"I THINK I'M ABOUT to the point where I have to suck it up and admit defeat." The admission left Myles feeling exhausted. Particularly in the wake of having been home with Piper most of the last week. He didn't want to go back to the sixteen hour days and never see his wife.
"Are you sure you want to do that?" Simone asked. "I mean, you put a lot into this. Who else would've gone so far in the name of the paper?"
Setting up the potential for a show for Leslie Clark-Ellis. Pulling together information on the local real estate market and showing how much home they could have here versus the city. Even getting information on the local schools - some of the best in the state. It had been a lot of work. But what choice did he have? Vanessa's counter offer was ludicrous. There was no way he could meet it.