Chapter 78

WE HAVE HIGH HOPES for her, Cecil reported of his granddaughter.

Cecily picked up her wine and took another hefty swig as she continued to read the article. Her grandfather knew how to talk the talk. He'd never say anything to besmirch the family name, which meant pretending like The Incident had never happened, like Cecily hadn't screwed up and cost them a small fortune, and as if she were still actually a contender for doing anything legitimate in the family empire.

Cecily knew better. She knew how to read between the lines of what her family never said and had banished herself before they were forced to sort out the best way to deal with her and the embarrassment she'd caused.

She'd never imagined she'd fall in love with the work she was doing. Or that she'd find an incredible freedom in leaving behind the family name and all its attendant pressures. She was happy in the life she was making for herself, even if that life was in transition.