"MR. MCGEE WILL SEE you now."
Cecily rose from her chair in the waiting room of McGee, Buckley, and Connelly and followed the receptionist down the hall. Tucker McGee, the original Phil Davis in Wishful Community Theater's production of White Christmas, walked around his desk to greet her, no limp in evidence.
"All the paperwork is drawn up. We just need to get your signature."
Cecily peered down at his dress shoes as she followed him over to the conference table.
Tucker went over the contracts and she signed her name approximately a million times.
"That's the last one. I'll have Margaret make a copy for you. We'll be taking it down to the courthouse for filing later this afternoon." He rose and called to the receptionist, hanging over the freshly signed contracts.
"Okay, I have to ask. Where's your cast?"
"I was misdiagnosed," he said easily.
She arched a brow. "How do you get misdiagnosed with a broken leg?"