Chapter 93

"THANKS FOR SPRINGING ME," Piper said. "I swear, since he found out I was pregnant, Myles has about tried to wrap me in cotton and stuff me in a bubble. I had to practically promise to call every five minutes and keep my locater app running on my phone to get him to go on in to the paper to deal with some emergency and let me come out tonight."

Tucker looked over at the now visible baby bump, made more pronounced by the weight she'd dropped the last few months. "You can't blame the guy. You've barely kept any solid food down for the past four months. He's just worried about you. We all have been."

"I'm fine. And I'm stir crazy. Which is why Tyler and Brody are having this cookout. Bless them. Myles is terrified I'll catch something to make me even sicker if I'm out in public."

"He does remember you work at a doctor's office, right?"

"That's what I said. Let it not be said that the new father is in any way, shape, or form rational." But there was amusement in her tone.