"WE'RE GOING FIRST?" CORINNE'S voice rose to a squeak. "How did that happen?"
"Luck of the draw," Tucker told her.
She wrapped her arms tight around her ribs and paced a small circle in the "backstage" holding area The Babylon was providing for the dancers. Her breathing was too shallow for his taste. Around them, the other competitors talked quietly as event volunteers moved in and out of the room, carrying on last minute prep for the show.
"It's no big deal. Think of it like a pep rally. You ought to be used to being the first to hype people up."
She stopped pacing and glared at him. "At a pep rally, I had a full squad of other cheerleaders."
Wanting to put her mind at ease, Tucker crossed over and took her by the shoulders. "Don't worry. You absolutely nailed this routine in practice."
"No one was watching in practice." Her teeth worried at that full bottom lip.