COURT HADN'T GONE WELL. Tucker had been so argumentative, Judge Carpenter had threatened to charge him with contempt. If he'd had his way, he'd have asked for a continuance until he had his head screwed on straight, but that wasn't an option for this particular case. At least they hadn't lost. After a long-ass afternoon of deliberation, the jury had finally come back in favor of his client. Instead of celebrating, he'd be holed up in his office, catching up on paperwork because he wasn't fit for human company right now.
A scuffle sounded down the hall from his office. The voice of his legal secretary, Margaret Prescott, came floating back. " - can't let you - "
The door swung open and Malika barged in, hand balled on her hip. "I need to talk to you."
Behind her, Mrs. Prescott pressed her coral-coated lips together. "I'm sorry, Tucker, she wouldn't take no for an answer."