HE'D BE GOING BACK to school soon. What could really come of the next few days? A part of her wanted to just walk away, get back to her normal life, where everything made sense, where she was in control. But a bigger part looked into his earnest face, into those big brown eyes and wanted to stay in the fantasy he'd created. Even knowing it would end - had to end - she wanted those days with him. Wanted to take the time to pretend that she was just a girl who had the luxury of being courted by a sweet, handsome guy.
What harm could it do?
"Seems a shame to miss out on the chance of having a white Christmas out at the farm."
"That it does." He lifted the hand he still held and pressed a kiss to her knuckles.
The gesture made her knees go weak. She'd given him the green light to romance her. As a start, she absolutely couldn't fault this. Anticipatory nerves sparked, and Tara felt herself sway toward him, wishing he'd put those lips to better use.