GET ME TO THE church on time.
Trey's eye began to twitch as he watched the clock creep closer and closer to when he needed to leave, while his business associate on video conference continued to drone on about some staffing problems with their new London project. Edward was so damned long-winded. Trey wasn't even sure he'd stopped for breath for the past ten minutes. Maybe he had a future in filibusting. When it became apparent there wasn't a chance he'd get out the door on time, he sent a text to Sandy.
Gonna be late. Tied up in a meeting. Meet you there?
Her answer came back moments later. Got it covered.
What did that mean? Did she not want him to come? He stared at the three little dots that said she was typing more.
Dinner after?
He grinned. At least until he remembered the proposal he had to get through tonight. He'd let a few things slide the last couple of days, but he really needed to get back on track.
Trey: I want to say yes, but I've got some work tonight.