BY THE TIME CHAD made it to the community center, he was a little bit late. He'd gotten hung up waiting on a patient's test results, not wanting to leave until he could explain what they meant. With no idea how many people to expect, he went straight to the gym, but it was full of rec league basketball and evening walkers on the upstairs track. Back down the hall, he peered through the tiny windows of the doors on each room, finally seeing Mary Alice through the third one he checked. He stepped inside and all heads swiveled in his direction.
At the front of the room, Mary Alice's baby blue eyes widened. "Chad." Was she surprised because she hadn't believed him when he said he wanted to volunteer or because she thought he'd blown it off?
"Sorry I'm late."
After a moment's hesitation, she gestured toward the dozen or so assembled people. "Thanks for coming. Have a seat."