SUNDAY WAS CHAD'S DAY to make up for the hours he'd taken off to help with Mary Alice's class earlier in the week. He'd barely been home two minutes before the bell rang, signaling her arrival. Maybe they'd call in an order to Dinner Belles before they got going on decorating his tree. He tugged open the door and stared at the bright green casserole carrier and pie Mary Alice was holding. She had one of those reusable fabric grocery bags thrown over one shoulder. It was bulging.
"You cooked."
"Well, you had to work half the day, so I thought you could do with some home-cooked sustenance to fuel the tree trimming."
"What is it?"
"Poppyseed chicken - my grandmother's recipe - and pecan pie. Which is superior to PEE-CAN pie." She winked at him as she stepped into the house.