"WHERE'S DR. MCHOTTIE?" PRESLEY teased. "I figured he'd be here for this, since you two have been joined at the hip the last few weeks."
The stunning pain of betrayal ripped through Mary Alice again, and her hands stilled on the box she'd yet to finish wrapping. "I don't want to talk about it." Certainly not here in the community center gym, where more than a dozen volunteers were set up at wrapping stations within earshot.
Her friends instantly sobered and exchanged a look.
Margot stepped closer, lowered her voice. "What happened?"
Mary Alice just shook her head as a fresh bout of tears built in her throat. She was so tired of crying over guys. Maybe she'd just get a dog. That seemed more on par with the kind of emotional investment she was prepared to make these days. At least a dog would love her unconditionally.
Margot turned and waved. "Hey Liza? Can you and Mamie come finish this batch up? We're gonna go take stock of how much we have left to wrap."