Somehow Tess made it through dinner without falling asleep in her plate, throwing herself at Mitch to beg his forgiveness, or otherwise saying anything that revealed their intimate association. She was calling it a win. As soon as dessert was cleared, she pushed back from the table. "This was delicious, and it was wonderful to meet all of you, but I am literally dying of jet lag right now, so I'd really like to head on to the hotel."
Sandy exchanged a look with Trey. "Oh, we thought you'd stay here with us."
Even in her state of exhaustion, Tess knew she'd offended the other woman and scrambled to find something appropriate to say that would make this better. Because she couldn't stay here in this house, watching the two of them making googly eyes at each other. "I really appreciate the offer, but I have work I need to get to early in the morning, and I was just going to hijack Dad's office at The Babylon rather than disturb anybody."