Chapter 146

"Does this sauce smell off to you?"

When Tess held up the spoon, Mitch obligingly took a sniff. "It smells heavenly." He started to lean in to sniff her, but she screwed up her face in a frown, attention back on the sauce.

"Something's not right." She put the spoon in her mouth, considering. "Too much garlic? Or maybe I need a touch more anchovy paste." Grabbing a fresh spoon from the drawer, she scooped up more sauce, blew on it gently, and offered it to him. "Here, you taste."

Tasting pasta sauce should not be this sexy. Mitch wondered if she realized how charmingly domestic she looked, fussing over an enormous meal in his kitchen. Did it make him a chauvinist if he imagined her with a little apron on to complete the picture? And maybe those power heels and nothing else?


She still didn't seem quite satisfied, fluttering her hands in frustration. "Agggh."