"Sugar, are you tying utensils on that Christmas tree?"
Undeterred by the Girl, you crazy tone, Hannah Wheeler finished attaching the dessert fork to a branch with a short piece of jute and glanced over her shoulder at Omar Buckley, official master of the kitchens at Dinner Belles Diner. Taking advantage of the mid-afternoon lull, he leaned against the counter and watched her with undisguised bafflement.
"You can't judge until I'm done. Trust me." By the time she finished with the tree, the whole thing would be cute, kitchy, and scream "diner." It was just the first phase in her holiday plan to introduce Wishful to the skills she had besides carting trays and taking orders. The phase that would hopefully prove to them - and to herself - that she had the chops to pursue the rest of her revised dream.