Chapter 167

Hannah blinked furiously against the tears that wouldn't seem to stop. Every muscle in her body ached with tension as she gripped the steering wheel, like that was going to offer her some kind of control of the situation. With every foot of travel, she waited for the flashback or the uncontrollable shaking.

From the backseat, Ryan's harsh voice snapped, "Come on, old man. Don't you dare make me call Mom. You know she'll be down here in a minute to nurse you and drive you batshit. You want to avoid that, you stay awake!"

The whip of it made her flinch, even though it wasn't directed at her.

As if he'd noticed her reaction, he spoke again. "You're doing great. If you haven't already, hit the emergency flashers."

She hadn't even thought of that. With trembling fingers, she stabbed the button.

"There now. That's good. Drink some more water."

The water bottle crackled, followed by a retching sound.