Because she needed to burn off a little more nervous energy before she got back in her car, Lexi took the long way, skirting by the fountain. It actually ran now, which was more than could be said for it back when they were in high school. A tiny, foolish part of her wondered if that was why that long ago wish hadn't come true.
I wish Zach would see me the way I see him.
He hadn't. Ever. The truth of that had been too painful for her to cope with, so she'd put distance between them, hoping time would heal the wound. Apparently, it had. Getting through that whole interaction had taken less acting than she'd expected. She was legitimately happy to see Zach. He had, after all, been her closest friend for many years. She didn't hate him or wish him any ill will. She just wanted to turn off the feelings that had turned on for her their senior year and go back to only being buddies. Things had been so much simpler then.