"I'm so glad you're here to help me with this. I've been wanting to clear out this closet for ages, and I just can't ever seem to get to it."
Lexi had no idea what had possessed her mother to want to clean out the guest room closet today. Possibly it was subtle punishment for the mild hangover neither of them was acknowledging. Or maybe she really did just want to take advantage of having Lexi as free labor. Either way, Lexi dutifully returned to the closet, grabbing up another armful of clothes from the rack and hauling them out to the bed.
"I'm thinking a lot of this can just go straight to the donation pile. I don't think either of us has worn this stuff in going on a decade."
"But so much of it is in such good shape. I could change up some of the lines, add some embellishments, update the style..."
Lexi lifted her brows. "Mama, just because you can remake this stuff doesn't necessarily mean you should."