Chapter 26

"I don't know why you thought you had to go getting my truck detailed."

Rowan opened the back passenger door to Nash's truck. "It's called a nice gesture, old man. Besides, you can't drive it yourself for a while, so what are you grumping about?" She hoped the usual ribbing would distract him from asking any more questions. She'd been inordinately nervous all day, expecting to be busted like a teenager who'd snuck out after curfew. Not even Nash's usually calming influence did much to unravel the knots in her belly. Subterfuge wasn't something she'd ever been comfortable with.

He harrumphed and ignored the hand she offered to help him out. Sliding out of the seat, his cheeks went white and his jaw tensed. Rowan automatically reached to steady him, but the furious glare he shot in her direction stayed her hand. Still, she hovered as he made his way toward the steps. There were only three, but the doctor had warned them that steps might be difficult for a while.