Chapter 60

Miranda's ears still rang from the echo of all the shots, and she could barely breathe from the weight of Ethan's bulk over her. Dimly, she realized a bunch of men had moved in, with guns trained on Harley.

"Dead," one of them pronounced.

Ethan shifted, starting to push off her. "You okay?" he wheezed.

"I'm alive." Thanks to him. She needed her hands free so she could wrap her arms around him and never let go.

His face blanched as he shoved up and off her, flopping onto his back in a graceless heap.

Miranda rolled toward him. "Ethan?"

Reuben Blanchard crouched beside him. "Shit. He's been hit. Three shots. At least one pierced his vest. Radio for medical."

"Cut me loose. Cut me loose!" Miranda demanded. As soon as they'd sliced through her bindings with a tactical knife, she scrambled over to Ethan. Blood was pooling beneath him. She reached to tear open his shirt but couldn't make her abused fingers work for any kind of fine motor skills.