"You were super lucky. Only minor burns, some bruises, and smoke inhalation. I'm prescribing a few days of rest, but there's no reason you can't come back to work by the end of the week."
Delaney managed a weak smile for Miranda, grateful she'd been the doctor on duty in the ER when she'd been brought in. "Thanks." She'd need the work now more than ever. Everything she owned had been in her apartment. Even the t-shirt she'd been wearing when Sean pulled her out was ruined. The hospital scrubs Miranda had unearthed for her were baggy and bunched around the ankles. Delaney had a little money put by in savings, money she'd intended to go toward moving expenses and tuition. Obviously more school was off the table for now. In the grand scheme of losses from the night, that was just insult to considerable injury.
Get over yourself. You're alive and mostly unhurt. And your car wasn't in the garage. It could have been so much worse.