2. I would probably have died before it happens

 Sweat beads began to roll down her forehead as she lost to the force and was now looking straight into Treize's eyes. She prayed silently in her heart, "goddess please save me…"

 Suddenly Treize's gaze shifted from Arielle to the wall behind her.

<"Alpha come to the border quick! rogues are attacking in mass and they seem to have a leader…"> beta Joe mind link him.

 <"Leader? What leader? I am on my way" >Treize responded perplexed.

 He looked at Arielle and smirked, "lucky omega, " he said and shoved her out of his way with force.

 Arielle staggered but didn't fall, Treize stared at her with enlarged eyes. Inching closer with his hands clenched in a fist he wanted to throw a punch but heard beta Joe mind link him again . He frowned. "You are so lucky little bitch, we'll continue this later, "he muttered and broke into a run through the hallway, naked.

 Placing her hand on her chest, Arielle exhaled, "that was close." Born with the rear ability to intercept mind links whether general or secret, has saved Arielle from the hands of her fowlers so many times. "Thank you rogue wolves, you couldn't have attacked at a better time."

 She closed Treize's bedroom door and walked through the hall with hurried steps as her mind wondered, 'what was that about ? since when do I have an alter ego that wants us dead?'

 Arriving in the janitor supply room, Arielle walked past all the omegas who were greeting her absent-mindedly, she picked up a laundry basket that had white bedsheets in it with *ALPHA'S* written in front . She walked to he left side of the room where vacuum cleaners were arranged and dragged one out and beside them were mops and buckets that she bent to picked a pair. She arranged all the gears in her maid's trolley and began to push it.

 Feeling someone's hand on her shoulders, she turned her head.

 "Ari, we have been calling your name are you okay? Did the Alpha hurt you again?" inquired, a dark-skinned woman.

 Arielle turned to her with a warm smile. "Aunty Lila I'm okay, I was just lost in thoughts it has nothing to do with the Alpha. "

 The older woman who looked like she was in her mid-forties didn't seem convinced, she held up Arielle's face and assessed it with a stern gaze. "Child don't lie to me, did he hit you again? Should I get May?"

 Arielle shook her head vehemently, May was her only surviving relative although she was sweet as pie, she was also an emotional wreck when it comes to her daughter's wellbeing.

 "Aunty Lila I said am fine, the Alpha wasn't even in his room when I got there, " she lied as she stretched her smile.

 Sighing with a half-smile, Lila moved her hands from Arielle's face to her shoulder. She rubbed it gently. "you should get going then, I saw Betty in the second living room with her friends, clean up before she's done gossiping. I wonder why the goddess punished us with such a lazy girl as our future Luna."

 Betty was yet to be crowned Luna because she and Treize were not married. Trieze strongly adorns the rare blue moon that their pack was name after. He was birthed on the night of one. The moon usually appeared once every three years but hadn't been seen in six .

 He promised himself and his pack that he would only marry under the blue moon, leaving Betty his mate that he found in a neighboring pack seven years ago as acting Luna since that time. The missed sighting of the blue moon greatly affected Trieze but his human astrologers told him one would be sighted before the year ran out.

 Widening her eyes, Lila smacked her forehead. "child why didn't you say anything? I almost forgot that today is your birthday, "she muttered and hugged Arielle, "they grow up so fast, my little Arielle has become a woman."

 "Happy birthday Ari, "three other female omegas who had been watching chimed in unison.

 Arielle patted Lila's back and pulled away with a sad smile that the woman didn't notice. Today was her 18th birthday but she was yet to shift, she was starting to believe that she was truly cursed as the pack members said. All regular pack wolves shifted when they turned sixteen, even omegas who had slow growth.

 As if she could read Arielle's mind Lila cupped Arielle's chin and smiled reassuringly. "Don't worry child you will shift when the time is right."

 Arielle rolled her eyes internally, if she got a nickel every time she heard that, she could have built a manor by now. ' I would probably have died before it happens, ' she thought to herself but didn't mouth a word to Lila. She hugged the woman and continued pushing her trolley.

 She got to Treize's room and thankfully, he wasn't back yet. She changed the sheets and vacuumed the floor. Treize's room was the largest one in the mansion, its walls were painted baby blue and white on each square side. It had a king-size bed and opposite that, at a far corner, there was a show glass door that revealed a garden like balcony that had four black box seats encircling a short glass table , it was one of Arielle's favorite corner in the room, it was always peaceful.

 She went to the bathroom that was adjacent to the walk-in closet and put a bucket under the tap. She walked to her trolley and took out a jug of liquid soap.

 After diluting it in the pail, she stood on her toes to reach a cupboard above her head . Her hand searched a bit before catching the special foam sponge Betty bought for only the cleaning of the bathroom. According to the intern Luna, the sponge she used left the toilet even dirtier. It was Saturday, meaning the cleaning would be extra.

 She groaned loudly in frustration when her height failed to get her hand high up the walls. She walked out of the bathroom and came back with a chair that gave her the required height. She rinsed it as she washed. After washing the tub, the shower bars, and the unnecessary Jacuzzi Betty had Trieze fix last month, her cleaning of the room that was almost an apartment was coming to an end.

Coming out of the bathroom, Arielle carried the laundry basket to her trolley. She walked into the walk in closet and arranged the laundry , leaving the empty basket where she took the other.

 "To think I did their laundry three days ago, yet Betty has worn an entire boutique within that time, goddess deliver me from their hands . " Arielle eyed Betty's portrait and stuck out her tongue.

 Remembering that she left the small towels she used in polishing the bathroom walls on the floor, Arielle stamped her feet on the ground and cursed as she went back in to get it.

 Getting to the stairs she met Yolanda standing by its mouth, "Yola what's up? "Arielle inquired.

 "I have prepared the water you will use to scrub the stairs, I wish I could help you with the laundry as my gift to you but you know I can't …the Alpha only wants you touching his and his mate's clothes, but I already put the warning placard at the bottom of the stairs, " Yolanda told with a smile, "Happy birthday Ari, I wish I could clean the stairs as well but Betty is watching, "she added.

 Arielle simpered and hugged Yolanda's neck because both her hands were occupied with cleaning handies. "Thanks Yola you have done enough, "she said.

 After Yolanda left , Arielle gathered her oversize t-shirt and tied it to her back in crock top style, exposing a bit of her flat stomach. She was wearing high-waist jeans that covered her navel but it did justice to her hourglass figure, amplifying her buttocks.

 The hallway was in box form, with the living room at its bottom center. The gallery at the right led to the gamma's and his family members' rooms while the right which was Treize's side had rooms for the beta and the deltas only that the two deltas were not allowed to move up because they were yet to swear their oaths of loyalty to Treize.

 As Arielle cleaned, she heard footsteps behind her, she turned her head to see the person who ignored the warning signs and her eyebrows dropped when her eyes met with Betty's. "Luna, the stairs are slippery you might fall, "Arielle fluttered her lashes with force sympathy, emphasizing on the 'Luna. '

 "Get out of my way, this is my house I can go wherever I like whenever I like!" Betty replied with a glare throwing her tinted black hair to the back.

 Arielle curtsied with her head bowed, saying, "Sorry, please proceed Luna. "

 Betty scoffed and walked past her, lifting her leg on a step , she almost lost her footing but was saved by the railings. she turned red with both anger and humiliation. Stabbing a finger at Arielle , she said, " you think you have gotten away with the stunt you pulled earlier on right? "

Arielle looked at her blankly, what does her slipping got to do with that? She had to grind her teeth to prevent her from busting into a fit of laughter.

"You dared to embarrass me in front of my mate?! I swear to the goddess, I will make you pay, you better stick to your delta bodyguards because the moment I see you without them I am going to hurt you so much that you won't recognize your image in a mirror for months!"