4. The M. I. A omega

Macy threw her hands in the air, "here we go again, you always defend her fake ass, "she began, " that stupid girl gets pretty privileges and you give her as well." Using her fingers to list , she continued, "I bet you with my life that she did not call you in the earlier hours of this morning neither did she text and you call her bestie? The fool forgot your birthday damnit open your eyes, Ari!"

Snapping her fingers Macy proceeded, "all she need do is giggle that her fake ass for all those single male disciplinarians and they would let her crimes slip through the cracks, talk of a friend indeed."

"Okay Mace that's enough, you should take a breather. By the goddess Rukky is naturally endowed with everything, yes she gets pretty privileges but com'on we don't know her reasons she might be going through something deep, "Arielle defended.

Macy facepalmed and shook her head, "you know what? I am going to join Vedika she has been feeding the newborns alone. But first, "Macy hugged Arielle, saying, "happy birthday girlfriend."

Patting her back Arielle said, "thanks Mace hehehe you already wished me a thousand times already. I will come and join you guys when am done with the pups."

Macy smiled and turned towards a door that was in the middle of the vast hall. With her hands on her waist, Arielle said, "naughty pups why did you pee on the food Macy gave you eh?"

"Howl, "("because it tasted awful, ")one pup commented.

"Howl, "("it smelt disgusting," ) another complained before the rest started airing out their views.

Arielle rubbed her tempo, "okay, okay that's enough pups."

As smart as the pups were, they refused to stand near food they urinated on although it was scattered around the hall. Arielle glanced at them as she bent, "now you have to wait till am done cleaning up, see what your naughtiness caused you all? Are you a pup or schnitzel?"she asked in a teasing tone.

Taking her words to heart, the 70 pups shouted in unison , "howl!" ("I am pup!")

Arielle chuckled, unconsciously she picked up all pups' food plastic plates with great speed. The pups' eyes widened as if it was about to pop out of its socket, "howl?"("miss Arielle has superpowers?") One said.

Hearing him speak, Arielle's mind registered what she had done. She gulped but didn't say anything. After packing up the condemned food in duffle bags, she took them out through an exit door.

When she came back she met the pups struggling to open the front door because they could smell their food, "I guess I will not be going through that way, "Arielle commented and trekked to the exit door again.

She went to the front and carried the sack before returning. The backyard had other doors connected to the building, she entered the one that had, kitchen written in lilacs.

Putting the sack in a large oven, she turned it on to warm up the meat. She mentally thanked the omegas that built the pup care for installing heavy metal doors that hinders the pups from escaping.

When the sack was lukewarm she shared its content in different large pots and pulled a bottle out of her pocket. She shared its slimy colorless content amongst the pots and stirred it. Were-pups were very sensitive and wouldn't eat anything unless they felt it was chewed by their mothers or someone they trusted.

To ease the stress of spitting in the pots and wasting time, Arielle usually prepared the spit and grind the meat ahead of time. When she was done, she shared it into small round metallic plates and organize some of them on a ladder-like troy.

She opened a door that was in the large kitchen that led to the main hall. The pups flared their nostrils when the smell of freshly chewed meat hit them. They ran with all their might, barking as they reached Arielle's front.

"Halt!" she yelled, placing her hands on her waist she said, "you all want to eat right? I can't serve all of you at the same time so you have to promise not to fight each other am I clear?"

The pups fluttered their lashes shouting in unison, "howl !"("we promise!")##

"First you all have to thank me for spending the morning chewing your food. Look at my teeth, "Arielle bared her teeth for the pups to see. Some tilted their heads in confusion while others scratched the back of their heads, "my gum hurts so bad, and am not hearing the thank you yet!" she complained falsely.

The pups howled their apologies after which Arielle ordered them to form lines of 10. Swiftly she served them and got the ones in the kitchen as well. "I guess this speed is a blessing than a curse, "she conceded with a smile.

When the pups were done eating she began to sing nursery rhymes that they soon joined in with their barks. Macy came out of her corner to complain about the noise but the pups ignored her and continued barking.

Gradually their barks reduced till there was silence, some of them had already started dosing off on the wooden floor. Arielle turned on the four large-screen televisions that were in different corners of the hall.

As the pups watched more nursery rhymes they all soon fell asleep. Arielle carefully took every one of them to their sleeping mats so they could sleep comfortably. She entered the room Macy was in and tiptoed to her table.

"Hi Vedika Ji, "Arielle rang in a whisper and a simper .

Vedika smiled at her, she dropped the feeding bottle she was holding on the table and rose from her seat to go and drop the week-old pup she was carrying in her arms. "Happy birthday Arielle, "she boomed with an Indian accent that sounded melodic.

"Thanks, Vedika, "Arielle whispered again. Vedika simpered and patted her back, "Ari you can speak freely so long as you don't shout they won't wake up, "she said, referring to the liters of pups sleeping.

"Rukky isn't here yet right? "Vedika questioned her with a grimace while Macy rolled her eyes already guessing the answer.

Arielle looked at the floor and drew circles with her toe, "well she's not here but I handled the pups well, " she expressed with a sparkle in her eyes.

Vedika's forehead puckered, leaving faint lines on her brows, "do you think you can handle it all? Mating season is here and I can feel my heat fast approaching. Some park females are already in the heat but here you are, making excuses for Rukky. She gets pretty privileges but I can get privileges too if I wanted, "she muttered.

Vedika was an omega brought from India by her mate to blue moon pack. In her pack omega females are cherished because they were more fruitful than the beta females in the pack. She was not maltreated by the members of blue moon pack because they knew it would mean war if she complained to her pack about their behavior.

Although she was now a member of blue moon pack, her connection with her pack was everlasting. "So what will you do when I and Macy go in heat? The other omega females that don't go in heat are going to handle the night shift. Are you going to single-handedly take care of all the pups and the packhouse? "

"Vedika the moon goddess will make a way lately I have been very faaaaaaha, "Arielle stuttered her last words much to her surprise and to that of Macy and Vedika who were giving her a puzzled look.

"Faaaaaaha, means what?"Macy asked with a raised brow.

Clearing her throat, Arielle tried again, "lately I have been very faaaaaaha, "she covered her mouth with both hands.< "Be quiet! No one must know about me. " >she heard the voice say. "I mean I will find Rukky somehow, "Arielle rephrased.

Macy sniggered and said, " girl you have less than 1 week to find the M.I.A omega or else you will carry the burden alone because am certain Trieze won't appoint other heatless omegas to help you ."

Arielle sighed and smiled, "hopefully you and Vedika would make it to my surprise party tonight right?"Arielle asked.

Vedika and Macy looked at themselves and laughed, "it's no longer a surprise if you already know, "Vedika chimed.

Arielle crossed her arms with a smug look, poking her cheeks , she said, "that doesn't stop me from acting surprised."

After a long day of doing chores, Arielle felt mentally exhausted. She dropped on her bed like a sack of potatoes with her face down, her hands and legs spread widely.

Groaning ,she knew she had to get up and get ready for her ' surprise party ' that was to be held in the human settlement close to her pack. She rose and kicked off her sneakers before skidling to her bathroom for a quick shower.

In less than 10 minutes she was done, with her towel draped around her upper body and a few drops of water slipping from her body to the rug under her feet, Arielle picked out a short blue flower patterned dress from wardrobe and laid it on her bed.