6. Daughters of the goddess

Energìa tried to claw the remains of the goddess but she had disappeared all the twosome could hear was a faint, "I love you, "whispered in their ears.

She howled horrifically again, scaring all the surrounding parks who didn't dare to come close to the territory she entered because it belonged to him...

From the shadows, a handsome figure is revealed he stares at her intensely with curiosity.

"she's beautiful, perfect, " he murmured still starring at her. then returned to the shadows from which he came.

Energía felt a presence behind her but she was assured no one would dare distract her from the moon, she would rip their hearts out.


Arielle was exhausted from the shift and she was naked walking into her pack. She grumpy mind linked Energìa, <"you could have asked me to take off my dress rather than ripping it apart.">

Her wolf blinked lazily and licked her snort, she had no plans of replying to that pesky girl yet. She eat to her heart content last night, that mountain had a lot of exquisite prey which led her to wonder who owned it because she knew someone was watching her but of course she was ready to fight if the creep decided to reveal.

After successfully entering her room through her window, Arielle showered and dropped on her bed like a sack of potatoes. After about an hour of sleeping she felt a presence climbing up the stairs that led to her room, she knew who was coming. After her shift, it seemed like all her senses became sensitive as she could even hear the sound of the wind.

When she first shifted to her human form, the sudden sounds overwhelmed her and she almost lost her mind but with the careful guidance of Energìa, she learned to flitter the sounds.

She was too lazy to stop the person from entering her space, May her aunt walked cautiously towards and sat gently on the bed, Arielle's face was turned to the opposite side and she was lying on her stomach. But notwithstanding, she could still see her aunt thanks Energìa who was looking.

May looked like a woman in her late 30s but she was close to 300 years old, Carmel skinned, beautiful with a good height but yet mate less, it's not my fault but the will of the gods she tells those who laugh at her. She took care of Arielle since the passing of her parents and has treated and loved the girl like her own.

She wished she could have saved Arielle all those times she got bullied and beaten for her meekness but she was only an omega, powerless and trampled upon by the others in the hierarchy of werewolves.

Slowly she caressed her niece's scattered hair, for some unknown reason, she felt a kind fear as she touched her, "child where have you been?"She whispered.

Arielle stayed still as her aunt touched her but the woman didn't want to just talk to a sleeping girl so she tapped her saying, "Ari wake up we need to talk."

Arielle annoyed sigh as she turned around, "morning auntie, "she greeted.

May felt chills run down her spine as she looked into the girl's eyes, she felt a burning sensation and subconsciously moved her gaze away from the girl, after a few seconds of recovering herself she cleared her throat muttering, "child where were you last night I was worried sick, I and your friends searched everywhere for all to no avail, "May's mouth began to quiver and her eyes shimmering with tears threatening to spill, "you didn't even call or text I know you can't mind link us but still you should have tried to reach me am, am, am, "she began to cry.

Sitting up Arielle pulled her aunt over for a hug and mumbled in her ear, "you are my mother ."

May had no idea Arielle could intercept mind links and even mind links back if she wanted because werewolves that were yet to shift don't have access to the mind link except for pups who are connected to their parents. Arielle kept that secret because that was her defense mechanism.

After sobbing on her child's shoulder, she finally pulled away, wiping off the tears she turned to Arielle with a frown, "so tell me where you were! Didn't you see the strange occurrence of last night? Didn't you hear the warning that all omegas should stay indoors? Didn't you hear the monstrous scream eh? Answer me!"May said with a slightly elevated tone.

Arielle facepalmed and mumbled nonsense in her palms, earning another "eh?" from the angry woman, the tables turned so fast, her crying aunt had entered scolding mode, "Arielle Mia Percy, don't make me repeat myself! "

Grunting Arielle moved her palms from her face, she was stalling because she had no lies to tell her aunt, "auntie I was scared okay?" she told.

May gasped, she helped Arielle's alibi by remembering the girl telling her she would be going to town to celebrate her birthday and she knew this child of hers never followed the straight paths, which means she might have encountered the monster wolf, "by the goddess, " she shrank and hugged Arielle, "am sorry my child, please tell me the wolf didn't see you."

Arielle rolled her eyes as she answered, "no I hid well, I only heard it pass by but when it left I was still too afraid to come out."

Energìa chuckled,<"damn you can lie,">she linked and Arielle rolled her eyes again.

<"Well it's that or I tell aunt that I was the monster, " >Arielle replied.

Pulling away, May stated as she wiped her tears, "stay in bed child, I'll tell Trieze that you are ill and I will replace you at the care okay?" Arielle nods and smiles.

Energìa growled at the mention of her enemy's name, momentarily Arielle's nut-brown eyes shorn silver but she swiftly took control, <"calm down Energìa!"> "Thank you, aunt, "she said and lay down.

May's brows furrowed in confusion, 'what did I just see?' she wondered, she could have sworn she saw Arielle's eyes turn silver. Shaking off the thought she leaned towards the sleeping girl and pecked her before leaving.

Arielle mentally scolded Energìa for losing control, to be honest, she wasn't exhausted from the shift and couldn't wait to do it again, she was thankful to her aunt because she didn't want to see Treize otherwise Energìa would tear him apart and that would ruin her plans.

She knew her aunt would be exhausted after cooking breakfast for the Alpha family so she decided to go to the pup care herself but for now, the day is still young so she could just lay in her bed and do nothing.

Shortly after, May returned with a tray of food and left because she didn't want to be late. Formally Arielle wasn't a heavy eater and would usually package the leftovers but today is different, she ate all the brazed pork chops and rice speedily. As if her aunt knew she was hungry, she gave her a lot of meat, potatoes, and little vegetables.

Partly this was due to Energìa's manipulation, she entered May's mind and whispered, <"give her more meat," >to the woman it was her subconsciousness but she didn't forget to add vegetables for Arielle since the child was yet to shift. The pecks of working in the pack kitchen was that her house never lacked food.

After cleaning up the kitchen, Arielle returned to her room but was hesitant to open the door when she felt another familiar presence in it. "You can't stand there forever Ari, "she heard a girl say.

Slowly, Arielle turned the doorknob and entered, "hi Rukky."

With a slight bow and a smirk, the girl greeted, "good morning Alpha."

Arielle's eyes widened and she froze as Rukky walked to her, "oh please let's stop pretending now, I bet your wolf already told you about me, "she said nonchalantly.

Arielle frowned and shut her eyes, <"care to tell me what Rukky is talking about?">

The rude wolf snorted,<"she knows about us, and oh least I forget she is not a werewolf.">

Arielle screamed, <"what?!">

Rukky tilted her head, "ummmmmh hiiiii, earth to Arielle, "she voiced as she waved at Arielle.

Arielle sighed and she opened her eyes,<"we need to communicate if this is going to work, Energìa."> It annoyed her that her wolf was not cooperating. "Let us seat, "she pointed at her bed, her room only had one reading chair that was tucked under her reading table that was close to her window. Rukky shrugged and sat afterward. "I hear you are not a werewolf..."

"Am not, "Rukky answered frankly, "I only stayed here because the goddess asks that I guide you, "she twisted her plump lips, she had gold skin like Arielle, an hourglass figure, white teeth, and entrancing sapphire blue eyes, "am a genie that's why I always leave because I have to take care of my people as well but most importantly am a guardian just like you."