8. Guardian assembly and Teddy

"Ah sorry, "Rukky apologized, she was talking to a rookie guardian but yet she was using terms only familiar to the already existing assembly, "gumiho means nine-tailed fox, he is the guardian of the foxes and head of the assembly as l am the guardian of wish granters, "she rubbed her knees as she continues, today was going to be a long day but she was happy because she could finally do her part and leave the new guardian to figure out the rest. She had been pretending to be a werewolf for so long and couldn't wait to go back to her territory.##

She was able to make sure wish granters didn't mess with other creatures unless necessary and safeguard them to an extent. It was easy for her because wish granters always hid and preferred to leave peaceful lives except, for leprechauns who occasionally got caught by humans because they are obsessed with rainbows thus the creation of st Patrick's day, those creatures are always causing her pain . They have to grant a wish to whoever sees them and sometimes things get messy.

Genies on the other hand were not a problem to her because they never want to be found except for the few times they sleep and forget to hide their bottles, lamps, kettle, and vases, every genie has a special containment but when they forget to suppress their needs to grant wishes before they fall into slumber, their lamps teleports them to the nearest persons with wishes.

"Guardians to be wary of are, Teddy the guardian of humanity, the gumiho, Marcela the guardian of witches, and Nature the guardian of natural phenomenon, " with her hand high fived and by the side of her mouth, Rukky whispered, "I heard she's a bit crazy, I mean Nature."

"I see, " was all Arielle could say, a silly thought entered her mind as she imagined a guy named Teddy being Aggressive and she chuckled out loud, Rukky who didn't think what she was saying was funny gave her a look, "am sorry but I can't help but think, so the scary guardian of humanity, "Arielle quotes with her fingers, "is named Teddy??? Pfft*" she laughed again.

Rukky giggled a little, she was happy the uptight Arielle she started this conversation with was gradually leaving. Arielle was always a jolly soul so seeing her frown made Rukky think her shift took something from her. "Don't underestimate him or his team, they are humans that can kill a giant if they wanted. least I forget guardians would not honor you if you don't have a territory and a group of people who fear you."

"Why ?"Arielle asked almost immediately.

"Guardian pride, we are demigods so should be treated a little nicely since we risk a lot for our kinds, " Rukky answered, "and remember guardians live in secrecy, meaning no one must know of our existence."

Arielle didn't say anything at first, it was already a plan of hers to get rid of Trieze, it had to follow systematically but now she has to rush things so she could meet with the guardians, she looks Rukky in the eyes as she inquired, "can I tell Jeremiah and Jedidiah? I promise you they won't expose me even if it means they lose their lives or Macy ?"

"That's your choice but they must swear the loyalty oath, just limit the number of persons that know, "Rukky said with a shrug.

Arielle placed her right hand on her chest, expressing gratitude, "Thank you Rukky for being here for me."

Rukky hugged her and said, "nothing has changed between us Ari, You are still my best friend difference is I can tell you when something is bothering me, don't worry about anything. Just like I did centuries ago you will figure it out."

Arielle tightened her grip dotingly, "awwwwwwh Ru bear, "she cried calling Rukky the nickname she gave her but then paused and rapidly I moved her head to face Rukky without breaking their embrace, "did you say centuries ago?!!!"

Rukky laughed, "yes girl, all guardians are immortal."

"Wow, "Arielle rung, her brows creased as she asked, "so how old are you?"

Rukky tsked, smiling smugly she replied, "do you know you should never ask a woman her age?"


For a moment the guardians stared at each other without speaking then suddenly broke the silence with their roaring laughter. Rukky felt better after telling Arielle the truth except for the one detail she left out...

Treize was visibly upset when May told him that her daughter was unwell, she stretched the story Arielle told her by telling him that Arielle was attacked by the monster wolf. Treize waa angry, "I don't give a damn!" He screed. He told the omega that he didn't care about the bitch(Arielle) and that she should be back at work by tomorrow, he claimed that the girl was just looking for reasons to slack off and he won't allow her to undermine his power. After eating his breakfast he left for his room.

As he walked to his room, he grumbled within himself, "I can't I knee before an omega, Impossible! " For years he had been fighting with this force within him that always wants him to knee whenever he was speaking to Arielle, but yesterday seemed to be the worst because all his senses were telling him to knee. It took the help of his wolf before he could stand up to her and this bothered him because even his wolf was feeling a little reluctant to challenge her.

It was because of the girl's strange ability he orders her to kneel before him every day to assure himself that he was still in charge. He wanted many times to send her to war to end her but he saw women as weaklings that need protection and pleasure. He could never send her to the battlefield otherwise raise suspicions of the pack members. To make matters worst she was an omega female.

He had tried to kill her many times but failed because of the beta's sons who were constantly by her side, he had sent numerous werewolves to attack her although it worked sometimes other times it vexed him that her bodyguards never left her for too long except at night when Arielle never came out, so he resorted to doing the torture himself.

After showering, he entered his walk-in closet and picked out his clothes. He wore a plain black short sleeve button shirt, deep blue jeans, and a pair of white Adidas Snickers. Looking in the mirror he admired himself and wondered where Betty his mate was, at this moment she is needed the most, she knew the right words to say to pamper his ego.

It vexed him that she enjoyed petty gossip, a soon-to-be Luna belittling herself shamelessly. He applied gel on his brown hair, he did not keep it long like most of his pack members. He preferred it short and sexy, after he finished, he intentionally pulled a strand of hair fall, letting it lie on his face, then he smiled.

"I think am in love, am in love with you handsome devil, "Treize praised in a narcissistic way and kisses his reflection in the mirror. Who wouldn't admire themselves if they had honey-brown eyes, 5 feet 11 inches good height, muscular building, and a big cock which Trieze felt was one of his best features?

After the talk section with his reflection he proceeded to the door, he walked majestically down the stairs as if he was in pageantry. As he strolled all the passersby greeted him.