14. Blood oath

"How, how is this possible? " Jedidiah stuttered.

Arielle shifted to her human form. "Do you trust me?" she asked as the boys and they looked away, shocked to see her naked for the first time. "Yes we do, "they replied in unison.

Arielle walked to a pile of bags at the far end of the cave that was filled with her necessaries and swiftly dressed up in her usual, pink baggy shirt and black skinny jeans. Strolling to them she said, "I can't tell you what I am until you promise not to tell a soul."

"We promise, "they said. Jedidiah was out of the water and now standing by his brother.

Arielle chuckled, surely she could not tell them her secret just because they ' promised. '

"Will you take a blood oath swearing that no matter what you see or hear here will die with you and if you speak about it you will die?" Arielle bargained.

Jedidiah gulped and Jeremiah shivered, the fact that the word die was mentioned scared them a lot. Jeremiah was not easily spooked nor is Jedidiah but for the first time in their lives, they felt afraid, and not of just anyone but their formally timid omega. Jedidiah wondered if she had gotten into any trouble, he tried to keep a straight face but Arielle could see through it and she could hear his thoughts even with his mind shield so high.

"Yes, Arielle it's us till the end, " they both assured.

Arielle moved closer to them and said, "let's sit."

The boys obeyed and sat opposite her. Arielle brought out a piece of white cloth she had in the back pocket of her pants and out of nowhere, she pulled out a weird-looking dagger that had a strange inscription on it. Strange to the twosome because they didn't understand a word written on it but Arielle did and she flashed them a reassuring smile.

She grabbed Jedidiah's right hand and intertwine her right-hand fingers with his, doing the same with Jeremiah only this time with her left hand. The boys didn't know what was happening and couldn't help but feel agitated but stayed still.

Arielle momentarily freed their hands after chanting something that wasn't audible. Digging her hand in the second back pocket of her pants, she took out two white rope-like materials. She gave Jedidiah one end and held the other as he followed her lead. Successfully they tied their right hands together. She pulled out a large white handkerchief material from her front pocket and placed it on the floor, under their locked fingers.

Then Arielle carried the dagger, with one swift move she slashed Jedidiah and her thumb deeply. Jedidiah hissed at the sudden pain but Arielle didn't even flinch. She used her free hand to separate their thumbs so the blood didn't mix.

Moving both their intertwined hands around the white material, she began her whisper chanting again. The blood dropped on the material formed a circle with two separate red dots on it. She stopped and pressed her right-hand thumb on his right-hand thumb and motioned him to do the same. It was painful for Jedidiah because the wound was not healing but he did as he was shown.

Now their blood was mixed up and dripping rapidly on the center of the piece of the white material, Arielle raised the dagger and read the inscriptions.

"Repeat after me," Arielle said, "blood become one."

Jedidiah, "blood become one."

Arielle, " secret is hidden from now till eternity."

Jedidiah, " secret is hidden from now till eternity."

Arielle, " betrayal means death."

" Betra... betrayal means death, " Jedidiah quavered.

Arielle tight-lipped smiled, "it is done now you are under the trust oath and I trust you completely, "she told. She freed their hands by cutting the rope with the dagger, instantly, Jedidiah began to heal.

Jeremiah waited patiently for Arielle to cut out the part of the material that she and Jedidiah's blood spilled, leaving the clean sheet under where he assumed she would do what she did with his brother.

After the ceremony, Arielle told Jeremiah the same thing she told Jedidiah when the ritual was completed. She tied the ropes and material around the dagger and kept it by her side.

Clearing her throat Arielle started, "I know this is all too odd for you but it's necessary to keep my secret. "As she spoke the boys paid rapt attention as if their lives depended on it. "I am a guardian, a chosen creation of the gods..."

Arielle took her time to explain everything to the boys even telling them she must become Alpha, both boys felt ecstatic because they were already fed up with their current leader. "So will you be my betas?"She inquired with curiosity in her cores.

Jeremiah and Jedidiah glanced at themselves and Arielle before busting, "yell yeah."

Arielle smiled, grateful that they understood. "I have nothing against your dad ,I just can't work with him, "she asserted.

"No need to explain, it's part of the tradition, new leader, new subordinates, "Jedidiah said and joked, "let those old gizzards retire."

"Arielle, "Jeremiah called and intertwined their hands. "Promise me that you will kill Treize."

Arielle smiled and nodded, she knew the real reason Jeremiah wanted Treize dead is to protect his secret mate that the alpha punishes for no just reason.

"I'll educate you on all the pack laws and other packs you may have to encounter when you become Alpha, " "you also have to meet the alpha prince, he is visiting in two days, "Jeremiah said.

"And I will spall with you, "Jeremiah chipped in, he squinted his eyes, "well that is only if you are in your regular form, not your Ultima form."

Arielle felt her heart flutter, she hugged her betas, murmuring, "thank you for your support guys."

Jedidiah sighed, "so Rukky is not a werewolf, "he complained.

Both Arielle and Jeremiah rolled their eyes, "enough with the pity side comments, "they said.

Known to only their click, Jedidiah and Rukky were long-time lovers, both claiming to be in an open relationship but yet get angry when they see other people coming close to their love interest.


On the other side of the pack, not too far away from the packhouse...

Kayden a dark-skinned omega kicked a twig as he venture through the dark forest alone, this was not the normal time he went home but since the alpha's girlfriend turned him into her replacement slave because Arielle was sick, his chores increased.

He is the alpha's steward, he cleans his shoes, dry cleans his suits, shaves his balls, beard, in between his ass chicks, and anywhere that requires shaving. Just like Arielle , he also got tortured. The only upside was that the alpha had two stewards so they ran a shift.