16. Alpha Brian

With a frown on his flawless oblique chiseled face, Brian entered the dining room. "Good morning my prince, "All present chorused.

Brian grunted, his unfocused almond-shaped bright red eyes staring intently at a huge piece of pork loin roast that was on the serving tray. It is as if it was kept for him. In seconds he devoured the meat with both hands, oil smitten on his mouth.

When he lifted the last piece of the pork his head suddenly dropped and his eyes shut momentarily. His eyes changed from ruddy to cognac as he fluttered. He looked around with a disturbing gaze, eying all the family members present. "How did I...?"He broke his sentence, unsure of what to say.

He screwed up his face as actuality hit him." It happened again didn't it?" he asked no one in particular with his slightly croaky husky voice.

"Yup, " the only brave one in the dining answered his best friend. There was nonchalant in Desmond's voice, he was already tired of telling this alpha to do the needful before his next rut.

Seated by his side is Desmond's mate, Loveth, she clutched her lips as she stared at Brian who was wiping his hands and face with a napkin. She was hesitant but still said to him, "alpha you look famished, please seat with us let me serve you breakfast. " It is not her job to serve but she did it for Brian regardless of how many times her mate told her to stop. "I made your favorite breakfast." She smiled.

"Pass, "Brian muttered with a one-syllable word. His mood was already damped and to vex him more, he was naked yet again before the royal family. He wasn't ashamed that his well-defined titan shoulders and six-pack abs were on display, rather he was annoyed that he didn't do it with his right senses in place. His rut is near and such episodes are signals.

The blonde-haired beta's mate, Loveth couldn't take it anymore, she tried to lure Brian with food but the headstrong alpha prince refused and was already heading towards the exit of the huge dining." You need to find her, "she blurted out.

Brian who was already at the opened door halted, his left eye twitched in anger, he is not having the best of mornings yet this woman choose to anger him more. He exhaled loudly to calm his nerve before moving again, totally ignoring the female.

But yet again Loveth said with a louder voice, "Brian you need to listen to me, I saw in my vision that..."

Brian exploded at that moment and didn't let her finish her statement. "That what!?" he barked as he turned and entered the dining. "Keep your false visions to yourself! Last I remembered your damn visions are never accurate. You should just say you have an overly active imagination than claiming to be a seer!" He eyed the woman and was about to leave again when he saw his beta rise.

He pointed a finger at Brian. "You might be the Alpha prince of this pack but I won't let you disrespect my mate in that condescending manner, "Desmond yelled.

Loveth was sniffing and inarticulate sounds could be heard from her along with the large volume of tears flowing steadily down her face that she failed to control with her hands. Her cheek looked rosier than normal. She is a very emotional werewolf and can break down at any instance, this hurts Desmond's soul. He hates to see her in pain, especially in front of their children and the rest of the royal family.

Brian's eyes returned to their ruddy form, he stalked towards the Beta like a leopard about to pounce on prey. His lycan claws jutted out. "You want a fight?" he growled.

Desmond stood strong, ready to defend his wife's honor. Brian has the advantage with his great height but that didn't shake him, he had sprawled with the alpha a dozen times although he never wins. The veins in Brian's muscles were pumping as Desmond also elongate his claws. "Yeah, I want a fight, maybe that would bring back the Brian I know, "he berated.

All the people in the dining stopped eating, afraid of what is about to ensure. Sadly, they can't interfere otherwise incur the wrath of their alpha prince.

Brian's eyes instantly returned to normal, his shoulders dropped and his claws returned to nails. He looks his Beta in the eyes with shock and regret." I am so sorry, "he sang. He looked at Loveth and felt even worst. " Sorry Loveth, I am sorry, "he repeated after which he ran out of the dining room.

Louis, Brian's cousin, and Gamma said, "the alpha is losing it, I don't want him to spend this rut in a cell."

Desmond was already seated and consoling his mate. He pecked her forehead and hugged her tightly as she for no reason began to whimper more when the pampering began, clinging to his chest like a Panda on bamboo. "Shhhhhhh... Baby no more tears okay? "he murmured and his two daughters rolled their eyes.

<"Mum is doing too much, ">the first mind linked her twin.

Desmond glared at her since she intentionally allowed the mind link to be public making his mate cry more. "I swear this time it would come to pass, "Loveth told between sobs.

Desmond nudged her head deeper into his embrace. "You said blue moon pack right? Don't worry, it would hit him like a bomb, we won't warn him, "he said.


Brian stood under the cold shower for close to an hour, he hoped the freezing bath would help but then it doesn't do much when his rut is near. Since the beginning of the year, this would be his third rut. This is strange because his rut only came twice in a year, having a third in such proximity to the second could only mean one thing.

His wolf whispered to him, < "let's find her." >

"No! "He shouted, he knew 'her' meant their mate. He doesn't want a mate and if she finds him, he plans to reject her even if it causes her life...