20. Alpha of alphas

During his teenage age, he went on a lot of battles which wasn't necessary since he is a prince but Brian was an adrenaline junky. He joined every group in his pack, from hunter to warrior to scout, and earned the respect of all in his age group.

He was only close to Desmond and spoke very little, the females in the pack didn't dare go near him because he was never welcoming.

On his 18th birthday, his uncle Samuel knelt before him, showing his submission and his stepping down from the throne. Brian hated that his uncle didn't want to fight for the throne but then again the man already promised to give him the position when he had proven his worth.

Brian became alpha king but his uncle and mate left the pack.

_Flashback end_

Brian combed his fingers through his hair and heaved. He stepped out of his bedroom dressed in a fine three-piece grey suit, he stayed indoors until it was time.

As he walked past a few maids, they blushed, the Alpha king is just too handsome. Brian rolled his eyes internally, he hated when they gawk at him like vultures.

His Beta and Delta were seated and staring at him as he entered the living room, they were also dressed for the occasion.

Today is the day they visit Blue moon pack and since it's their first visit Brian had to be present, Trieze had been to Crescent pack a dozen times and over time, his territory has become formidable, forcing Brian to account him some respect.

"Feeling better now alpha?"Desmond said with a brow high and arms crossed.

"We should go, "Brian announced instead of replying to the question.

Tammy, Brian's third in command and cousin just shook his head with a smile. He rose and followed behind the alpha that was already heading out with the guards.

Brian and Desmond sat at the back of the Rolls-Royce Phantom while Tammy sat in the front passenger seat. The driver is a guard wolf.

Brian stroked the arm of the luxurious car and his face loosened when he didn't find a spec of dirt. He loved cars and bought the best, yes it's strange for a werewolf to pick an interest in machines but he couldn't help it. He didn't want to have kids otherwise he would have named his children after sports cars.

Behind them, an SUV with more guard wolves followed. Blue moon pack was a bit of a journey from their pack on road but was less than 30 minutes run through the woodland.

"So are you going to accept his alliance?"Desmond repeated the question he had been asking since Brian agreed on this visit.

"I don't know, Trieze has gone mad. Maybe I can get him to stop his insanity before he claims the entire landmark, "Brian answered back.

"He will never be able to conquer them, remember we have many other packs under us, "Desmond muttered.

Brian squinted as he looked ahead. "We might have many alphas under us but the stubborn ones that refused to join our alliance are still vulnerable to Trieze that's why I am considering allying with him, he is a fool and since he fears me I'll use it, "he explained.

Desmond nodded in agreement. When Trieze began his mass murdering of alphas, a large number of alphas came to be under the protection of the royal pack, forming an everlasting bond with Brian, crowning him the alpha of alphas.

Arriving at the gates of Blue moon pack, their vehicles were forced to pack at the entrance and the journey was continued in smaller open-air jeeps. Brian was grossly irritated, omegas were the drivers but that was not what bothered him, there were carts parked at the gate. He knew that this was Trieze displaying their pack's wealth in the name of special treatment.

The jeep stopped by a blue carpet that led to the door of the packhouse. A male omega came to open the door with his head bowed. Brian stepped out first, followed by Desmond then Tammy. The vehicle moved and the one carrying the guards halted, they came down and rushed behind their alpha.

They looked intimidating with their uniform lycan dull green eyes and their black suits. The omegas bowing at the edge of the carpet felt like they were about to be murdered.

The first set of regular wolves the royal visitors saw was the two guard wolves pushing the door open. Brian tsked, Trieze shamelessly showed that his omegas are more of slaves than packies.

Inside, Betty stood beside her mate wearing the most eye-catching red dinner gown that revealed her cleavage. Her fiance had a toothy smile on his face and he looked dazzling as ever with a blue suit.

"Welcome to my pack your highness, " Trieze said with a slight bow. He began to feel great discomfort when Brian released his nose blocking alphamones. It smelt like burning acid with spies.

Brian took the stretched hand and smirked. "Your pack is beautiful and so is your partner, "he commented.

Although struggling to breathe, Betty gladly accepted the comment. "I am the firest in the pack your highness."

Brian felt irritated by her egocentricity, he further reasoned that the members of the pack must be tired of these two.

Tammy as they entered the mansion stared in the direction of the kitchen. An alluring scent of freshly baked cookies and ginger entranced his nostrils, he was tempted to follow it. His wolf began to struggle to follow the scent, Tammy widened his eyes as he and his wolf chorused. <"Mate!">


In Jedidiah's room Arielle who was evaluating her plan of how she would ruin Treize's meeting suddenly stopped speaking.

"Fuck!"Jedidiah cursed as he covered his nose. "Damn, that pure-blood smell so awful."

Arielle didn't know when she began to release her alphamones, suffocating the boys in the room as they began to cough. Her eyes shorn sliver, she headed towards the door disregarding the calls behind her.

She walked straight to the living room where the guests were, and suddenly everyone except Brian began to cough. Her scent was even more toxic than Brian's. He stared at the hallway in which she stood.

#His heart skipped a beat, his eyes glowed and he said with an echoing voice."Mate!"

"Mate!"Arielle replied.

Brian with his last sense intact rose and ran out of the mansion, Arielle pursued almost immediately.

"Did you see that?"Desmond asked Tammy with excitement.

"Yeah... Loveth was right... About both of us..."Tammy said as he massaged his tempo and looked towards the kitchen again.

Betty's mouth was about to touch the ground. All she had control of was her hand that was tapping Trieze and the other was pointing to the exit. "Te-Te-Te" she mumbled.

Trieze smacked away her hand, she was tapping him so harshly. "What is wrong with you Betty? You are embarrassing me!"He said between his teeth." clearly the alpha lost control for a bit but you don't have to act stupid before his subordinates."

Betty stopped taping and faced her mate with shock. "Are going to ignore the fact that Arielle just went out with Brian and they called each other MATE?!!!" she said.

Trieze frowned, his brows dropped in annoyance. "Betty, why do you wish to anger me, do you want attention huh? Is that it? More diamonds? Is that why you are creating drama? For crying out loud that omega is not here! Are you hallucinating?" he barked with a low key.

Betty threw her hands in the air before she began to cry. "My mate has lost his mind."