22. Energìa is out of control

Arielle fluttered her lashes, she gazed at her palms then her environment. She was in some sort of forest. "Wu-where am I?"

She stepped forward and broke a twig but didn't feel like she was the one in control of her body. "What is this...?"

Suddenly Arielle's nose picked a familiar sweet scent, the alcoholic spicy scent of her mate. Almost immediately, Energìa roared, "mate!" She ran towards the scent, at this point, Arielle realized that Energìa is the one controlling her actions. Never in her life had she ever heard a Powermate taking control of the host's body, her wolf is truly peculiar.

Energìa halted behind a naked Brian who turned his head and jerked when he saw her. Her silver eyes were sparkling, and his gaze softened but hardened instantly. He swerved and crossed his arms. " How did you enter my territory?" he asked. He stares deep into Arielle's eyes, he squinted and gave his trademark grin. "Do you have no control over your wolf? That is just miserable. "

"Sorry mate, I couldn't help it, "Energìa said with puppy eyes.

Arielle facepalmed.< "We need boundaries, Energìa, you have no right to do that, " >she linked.

Taking control, Arielle's eyes returned to normal. She had to forcefully take charge because Energìa was already planning on leaping at the man oozing sex appeal. She decided not to look down or anywhere below his neck. "You shouldn't disrespect me rather be begging for our forgiveness, " Arielle started.

Brian roared with laughter much to her annoyance. " And what's funny your majesty?"She said with the accent on the 'Majesty'.

Brian pointed a finger. "I am laughing at you of course, why would I beg for your forgiveness, do you know who you are before? You should be on your knees!" He said the last sentence between his teeth.

<"Brian stop that's our mate, ">Origin argued.

<"You be quiet! We are in this mess because of you, "> Brian barked.

Arielle shook her head sadly, she opened her mouth but only ended up tonguing her front teeth. "Do you how much pain we are in because of your rejection? It's easy for you to stand there and say shit because you are not on the receiving end, "she berated him.

"You are an alpha, if you can't take rejection then you shouldn't be one, "Brian taunted.

Arielle didn't know when she leaped at her mate all she saw was red. Her claws extended and frozen in the air, she took in deep breaths. Brian was outraged with his eyes enlarged. <"Arielle please..."> Energìa begged.

Arielle shut her eyes and opened them with a calmer demeanor. "I am sor~" she began her apology but got shoved hard by Brian.

"How did you do that?" He muttered. He had never been pushed down by anyone in his life, not even when he fought with enemy Alphas. It both surprised and vexed him. "Just get out of my pack and never return I reject you ~"

"I reject--" Arielle wanted to return the favor. " Arielle bit her lips so hard it her teeth imprinted. "You are just a bloody asshole, I blame my wolf, she brought us here."

Brian pointed in the opposite direction of his position. "Out!" he vomited popping on the ' T'.

"Fuck you, Brian, fuck you, "Arielle said with disappointment in her tone. "You forget the Goddess's curse on those who reject their mates," she added and smiled before turning to leave.

Energìa felt sad, she knows her soulmate, she had not cursed all year long, it was not her style, she's censored.

"Let me guess, "Brian bridged his arms. "You are one of those primitive pack wolves that learned everything they know through the educated ones right? Well let me educate you a little, I don't believe in the goddess, and hush, " he stopped Arielle from speaking. "Just because I am a werewolf doesn't mean I must believe in the popular deity, there's a thing out there that humans refer to as Christmas and it's the birthday of a God but not everyone that celebrates it believe in the God, I am just like the humans you don't associate with."

Arielle had no expression. "Goodbye Brian, "she said and left finally.

<" If you push our mate until she rejects us, I go extinct, ">Origin sworn.

<"You wouldn't dare..."> Brian chocked.

<"Try me."> Origin responded and broke their visual communication.

A chill ran down Brian's spine, he had heard of wolves going extinct and leaving their hosts. One of the most dangerous alphas he knew, lost his soulmate, and along went his emotions, he was lucky to get him to ally but the demented alpha can break that at any point.

Origin has been with him through thick and thin, he can't lose him but he doesn't want to mate...


"Hope you are happy now, "Arielle said out loud as clutched her stomach in pain.

Energìa appeared before her to her amazement but with all the things she had seen her wonderful copilot do, she didn't express it. "Are you real, I mean can I touch?" she asked.

Energìa chuckled. "Only you can see and touch mate, "she told and sat beside Arielle. She's in her lycan form, a transformation seen only by Arielle. She looked smaller since she reduced her size to seat by her host.

"Why does it hurt so much?"Arielle asked about her aching chest and internal organs.

"We'll be alright tomorrow I promise, "Energìa said, she patted Arielle's leg with droopy eyes. "But the heartache will continue. Our heart has a dagger in it and we are just healing with the steel that can't be taken out unless accepted."

Arielle flared up. "So why didn't you let me reject him so he could feel the pain, huh? I don't care if it kills him!" she spat.

"You lie, Ari, you do care and that's why you listened to me. Brian didn't choose to be like that, circumstances of his parent's death destroyed him, "Energìa explained.

"What are you talking about? "

Energìa sighed and held Arielle's hands. "While you were busy bickering with mate, Origin shared a bunch of memories with me, he is broken, Ari."

Arielle's confusion was resolved when she closed her eyes and went with Energìa through all the shared memories.

She cleaned her face with her hands when she unrolled her eyes and discovered the tears. "This is so disheartening but where do we start Energìa? How do you mend a broken man?"

Energìa cuddled Arielle, she needed it. She murmured in her ear, "we will find a way, we won't abandon him , he needs us, this is our test. Mother is testing us and we won't fail."

After breaking the hug, Arielle laid down with Energìa snuggling her from behind. Shortly after she fell asleep.

She opened her eyes and was in a trance state again but in a different environment. "Energìa not again~," Arielle said as looked at her hazy hands. "Where are we ?"

< "Just keep moving, I don't know either, "> Energìa replied.

Arielle looked around, there was white doors side by side with numbers on them. She furrowed but moved forward, the most bizarre thing happened when a group of people in lab coats passed through her like she was invincible.

"What just happened? Those people didn't see me? " Arielle said.

<"If I can take a guess, I'll say werewolves are in this place and distress, ">Energìa voiced out.

"So they called us ... I guess this is our first mission as guardians..."

Arielle felt drawn to a particular door, where scientists kept coming in and out, she hesitated when standing at the front then inhaled before she entered...