30. Lovers

Jeremiah decided to stay to watch his brother dress up, but the dude was acting like he was getting ready for a fashion show. Jeremiah grew wearied and left him.

Jedidiah was at a crossroads, he didn't feel like wearing a shirt but had to, werewolves like to walk nude which was a part of their culture but if he did Rukky would skin him alive, and she would pretend that everything was ok but then she'll make him pay.

He sighed as he settled for a blue polo and wore the jeans he kept specially for the occasion.

Since male werewolves could unconsciously release pheromones that drew females to them when naked, Rukky banned Jedidiah from stepping out nude, Although it never worked on mated females or strong-willed girls like Arielle it was a risk she couldn't take.


Rukky stood at the mouth of the maru cave tapping her foot while waiting for her lover to arrive. She shouldn't be in another guardian's territory without consent but it's not like Arielle took any precautionary measure against that so she would take advantage of this for the last time and teach Arielle not to leave her territory unguarded.

She looked at the route Jedidiah is supposed to come from and her brows furrowed." Always late. "

She is an epitome of beautiful, tonged brown hair, an oval face, cognac brown eyes, a straight nose, plum rosy lips, radiant sun-kissed skin, and a curvy figure that made her stand out amongst the rest.

It was no news that Rukky loved fashion and even made her clothes, it was one of the many reasons male werewolves felt attracted to her. Her human friends always asked to be introduced to the doctor that gave her such a perfect body, they couldn't believe she has never been under a knife.

When Jedidiah got there, he hid behind a tree, watching and admiring Rukky who seems to be lost in thoughts, he reckoned on scaring her but there's no surprising Rukky, the girl had too many intuitions for a genie.

Slowly he walked closer behind her, when he was close enough he bent over and kissed the nape of her neck, Rukky tilted her head as an electric shock wave swept over her body.

"About time you showed up. "Rukky said.

Jedidiah turned her in front of him. He brushes s strand of her hair. "If you missed me that much, you should have taken one of my calls."

Rukky in a bid to ignore Jedidiah, confused him with a deep wet, kiss.

"Ummhmm." Jedidiah hummed."You look delicious by the way."

Rukky rolled her eyes, and Jedidiah began to plant kisses on her neck, biting her delicate skin. Gradually he moved up her ear where he nibbled on it.

Rukky closed her eyes leaning deeper in his embrace as her cores began to water From his touch.

His bulge member was pushing hard against her stomach, desperate to break free but Jedidiah did not stop his foul play. He slowly chewed her earlobes and stuck his tongue in the hole occasionally, making Rukky shiver in pleasure.

"W-w-..we should stop Arielle might see us. "Rukky stuttered, pulling away from his grip.

Jedidiah spanks her ass as punishment for interrupting. He bites her chin and licks her lips planting kisses on the side of her mouth. "Ari is busy with her mate's rejection, she isn't here, so stop talking unless you wanna say something dirty."

Rukky's eyes dilated. "Arielle found a mate? wait he rejected her? Why did he reject her?!! "She asked.

Jedidiah furrowed as he spanked her ass again. "We'll talk about that later." He said between his teeth.

He leans in and claims her lips but Rukky dodged his attack making him frown in frustration.

"Is she okay? maybe we should go find her."Rukky glanced sideways in hope of spotting Arielle.

This time, Jedidiah lifted Rukky's skirt and spanked her directly on her ass skin.

Trying to convince Rukky about Arielle's wellbeing was the least of his worries, he had bigger problems at hand like the growing budge in between his legs that were threatening to rip his jeans.

Without warning, he slammed his lips against hers, his free hand grabbed her head kneading her in place while the other squeezed her ass.

The kiss turned fierce as they both couldn't get enough of each other, Rukky instinctively wrapped her arms around Jedidiah's neck, their tongues danced in circles as they fought for dominance.

Rukky finally broke the kiss when she was out of breath, with a flushed face she said. " Let's go inside the cave or we'll be seen."

Jedidiah nodded dotingly and carried her in bridal style into the deepest end of the cave. He put her down on a grass nest they made for such occasions.

They hungrily peeled off each other's clothes, Jedidiah straddled Rukky throwing her bra in the air, he held both her hands with one of his while biting and sucking her round breasts switching from left to right.

''Mnnnm."Rukky moaned arching her back forward, she tried to free her hands but Jedidiah had her pinned under him.

Jedidiah couldn't hold it anymore, he freed Rukky to take his pants off then straddled her again with one hand squeezing their boobs, he used the other to guide his cock into her honey pot, thrusting deep in her cores.

Rukky moan and clawed his chest, Jedidiah groaned as pain and pleasure clouded his thoughts, he continued thrusting in her until he felt her walls slowly tightening around his member causing him to unconsciously increase his pace.

"Fuckkkkk..." Rukky tilted her head back as she climaxed.

Jedidiah groaned. "Ahhhh!" And cummed deep in her seconds after her orgasm.

They stayed still for a long while as the last sparks of pleasure flooded their bodies. Thanks to the weather in the cave, their sweaty bodies easily dried out.

Maru fall was a popular spot. It was formally owned by a neighboring pack before Treize claimed it as Blue Moon pack territory. The Fall was treasured because of the clear stream that flowed beside its cave.

The falls are silent because of the meeting of different pack groups that are mostly populated with juvenile wolves thus the lack of population at the fall.

Jeremiah and Rukky quickly dressed up and went to seat at the edge of the falls. There, Jedidiah gave her the full details of the happenings in Arielle's life.