53. Fireflies

    "Ari Arielle! Wake up." Jedidiah panicked as Arielle didn't awaken after he tapped her multiple times.

    Thankfully when the gathered small crowd continued tapping and calling out her name, she finally fluttered then yawned like a cute bunny. 

    She looked at the people strangely. "Why are you all looking at me like that?" She asked as she sat up from Jedidiah's arms.

    "You fainted Ari, I only found you because I wanted to go for a run, what happened?" Jedidiah questioned while accepting Arielle's hand as she was now standing.

    "Fainted?!" Arielle laughed at the man's claims. She gazed at Sharon and the guard wolves beside her then at Jedidiah. "He is kidding right?"

    Sharon shook her head. "No, he mind linked me the situation and when I came with them ." She pointed at the guard wolves. "You were in Jedidiah's arms."