108. Khadija

 As they were busy chatting, Arielle led Timere out of the garden to her study. It had simplified decorations; two brown wooden chairs before a table that had a big head chair behind it.

 The whole room was blue carpeted. It also had one book shelf on the right that had a secret entrance.

 Arielle walked round the table and sat. Timere followed suit, sitting on the chair before it.

 "We can talk freely here ,my witches fortified the room, it is sound proof."

 "I see," Timere said ."Do you know Rukky?" He went straight to the point.

 Arielle frowned slightly. "Yes, why?"

 "Do you owe her anything?" Timere asked again.

 Arielle had to think back before waving her head slowly, apparently confused by the questions. "I think I do but she is yet to not redeemed ."

 "What is it?" Timere asked.

 Arielle finally had enough. "Is something wrong ,Timere? Why all these questions?"