Different noises, mashed up sounds, echoed in Lily's ears. With her eyes closed, her brows flinched in discomfort. She finds herself in a dark enviornment. An anonymous voice muttered from nowhere in her mind.
Echo: Young girl!
Lily: Who is there? Who are you?
Echo: I am a spirit.
Lily: (stutters) S..s..spirit! Like a ghost?
Echo: No, I am better than that. Don't compare me to such anomalies.
Lily: What do I understand from this? I don't know what's the difference between a spirit and a ghost.
Echo: Simple, a ghost has no purpose but I do. I follow the one I am bound to.
Lily: What do you mean bound to? Are you bound to me?
Echo: No, I am just merely residing in you due to unwanted circumstances.
Lily: Why choose me then?
Echo: Because you got a touch of my owner it seems.
Lily: Your owner?
Echo: Yes, I am a spirit bound to a sword. You have come in contact with it somehow and got some aura left on you by it.
Lily: What are you saying? I have never even seen a sword in real life rather then coming in contact with one.
Echo: It doesn't matter how you got the aura on you. But consider yourself lucky that you have that aura on yourself that's why I chose you.
Lily: What's so great about you inhabiting me? It's freaky if you ask me.
Echo: Silent foolish girl. Do you know what spirits actually are? We are guardians of the elements.
Lily: What elements?
Echo: Natural elements you humans use for survival.
Lily: Oh! That's, so you are not a ghost then.
Echo: Was I not clear earlier girl? I am no ghost.
Lily: But, why can't I see you then?
Echo: You wanna see me?
Lily: Ofcourse, if it is alright.
Echo: Humans are not allowed to see divine beings. Once you see me, you will disappear.
Lily: That's quite harsh, don't you think?
Echo: That's the rule, girl. But don't worry, since I am residing in you, you won't disappear. But you can't mention about me to anyone. You sure you want to get a glimpse.
Lily: Since I have heard your voice, it won't be satisfying if I don't see your face. I can keep you as a secret I guess. Nobody will believe me anyway.
Suddenly brightness stretches along the area and a small boyish figure in short pants and tucked in shirt appears before her. After seeing the boy Lily melts in pure bliss.
Lily: Oh my god! You are so cute. You look like an elementary school kid. Wow! (she sits down and touches Echo's cheeks and suddenly a series of noises disturb her senses, she covers her ears with her hands) What are these ear rupturing noises? Ahh!
Echo: It's my element. It has heightened your listening sense to a million times.
Lily: WHAT! It hurts, stop this.
Echo: I can't. You don't have enough magical energy to control my powers.
Lily: Oh god! (squats and starts breathing deeply)
Echo: What are you doing now?
Lily: (continues breathing and the disturbing noises reduces but do not disappear) Better.
Echo: How? How did you do that?
Lily: This is called will power, shortie.
Echo: Hey, don't call me that.
Lily: What shall I call you then?
Echo: My name is Echo.
Lily: Hmm! Good name, suits your element. (fingers her left ear) The sounds still persist. How can I get rid of them?
Echo: You need to acquire magic.
Lily: Stupid, how can I become magician now all of a sudden?
Echo: Don't shout at me. I just know that only magic can help you control the recoil of my element.
Lily: There must be another way. I can't become a magic practitioner out of the blue.
Echo: If I uninhabit you, then you can loose this magical discharge.
Lily: And how's that gonna happen?
Echo: If my owner takes me back to itself.
Lily: That doesn't seem to be happening very soon. Why don't you leave me on your own?
Echo: I told you, if any mortal saw me, he will disappear from this world.
Lily: Geez! That's another pain in the butt. Wait! You said magical discharge.
Echo: Yes! The heightened sense is a reaction of a high magical entity inhabiting a body with little magic. Your body can't handle the excessive magic being released throughout your body because of my presence.
Lily: Wait, can't I use your magic? That way I can control your powers.
Echo: I am not bound to you. You can't use my powers.
Lily: Damn it, then I will have to suffer through this until I gain enough magic, which means forever. Nooo!
Echo: I will do whatever I can to help you.
Lily: You should, it's your fault anyway.
Echo: I won't, if you will act like such a brat. I am older than you, you know. Show some respect.
Lily: But you are still a kid.
Echo: I am more than 500 years old, girl. You are like an insect to me.
Lily: Now don't insult me by calling me an insect. Sorry, I will show you respect, grandpa.
Echo: (yells) My name is Echo.
Lily: Don't add your voice to the noises.
Everything was going in her unconscious mind. She was sleeping on the bed, fighting fever caused by that magical surge. Her friends knocked on the door.
Mia: Lily, it's us. Open up.
Lily: Oh! It's seems my friends are at the door. I will have to go echo. You stay inside.
Echo: Dont worry. They can't hear me.
Simar: What is she doing? Why is nobody answering?
Lavangi: Mia, let me try! (bangs on the door harder) Open up, Lily, you sloth.
Lily's senses shake up with the loud bang on the door. The resident in the next room opens the door and peeps at the girls.
Person: Excuse me! Is something the matter?
Lavangi: Ah! Sorry about the noise. I was just calling out my friend inside.
Person: Oh! Ok. I was surprised by the sound. Please hit it slowly (goes back in).
Lavangi: Hahaha! (sighs)
Mia: Stupid Lavangi! You always find a way to
embarrass us. Move it.
Simar: (gets herself together)Come on in, the door is open girls.
Mia: Oh! (turns the lock) See, it's open. You always try to break things.
Simar: Learn something, illiterate.
Lavangi: Don't get so mighty now.
Moon: Easy! Why do you always get to fighting mood so easily? Let's go in.
Piyush and Akash were standing outside the 15 storey building.
Akash: (looking at the top of the building) She lives here. Wow!
Piyush: (leaned on a wall looking towards the sky) These buildings are made for these purpose. It's not very tough to find rental rooms in Mumbai.
Akash: But getting yourself a house of your own is tough though.
Piyush: Not if you have the money.
Akash: You gotta be filthy rich for that.
Piyush: Easier said than done.
Akash: Wish I could have gone inside with them.
Piyush: If you had gone inside, then something might have gone in your insides.
Akash: Mothers can get overprotective, I know.
Mia and others walk inside the room. They find Lily lying on the bed hiding under a blanket.
Mia: Oh! Lily! What happened?
Moon: (looking around her room)
Simar: You look terrible.
Echo: Don't tell em about me.
Lily: Fever!
Lavangi: How did you catch a fever girl? You are an athelete for god's sake.
Mia: Ya, right! And in the end of winters too.
Lily: I know.
Moon: (looks at Lily) Lily?
Lily: Ya Moon?
Moon: (Senses heavy magic emission from Lily) What's wrong with you?
Lily: Fever! Moon. Where are you?
Moon: No, there is something different about you.
Lily: (dazed, thinks) Did she find out something? No way! She can't. She can't hear him right?
Echo: Lady Moon!
Lily: What! Did you say Moon right now?
Simar: What are you saying Moon? She is sick. It's her temperature that's different. How can you tell that standing that far? Here (touches Lily's forehead, pulls back quickly) Woah! It's burning.
Lavangi: No way!
Moon: Simar! (approaches Lily) Let me check her.
Lily: Moon! What are you...
Moon touches Lily and the sounds in her ears vanish along with her fever. Her body trembling stops and her pain gives up.
Lily: What! What's this? (raises herself) What did you do?
Mia: Hey Lily! What are you doing? Your Mom will scold us if you get more sick.
Simar: Hey! Lie down (touches her) Wait! Your fever. It's gone.
Lily: I don't hear them anymore.
Lavangi: What you don't hear any more? What is it?
Lily: Noises, stupid sounds, buzzing of flies, utensils ringing, vehicle screeching, people muttering, I can't even mention all of them. Finally, I am free.
Lavangi: I think she is touched in the head.
Mia: Maybe her sickness caused this. My ears ring too sometimes when I am about to get fever.
Simar: But, her fever has completely disappeared. What nonsense!
Lily: Moon, who are you?
Moon: (stutters) I..I..I am just your friend. Hahaha!
Lavangi: Where is your mother anyway? I don't see her.
Lily: She went out to the supermarket with your mothers.
Lavangi: Really! Akash and Piyush are waiting outside.
Lily: They have come too. Where are they?
Simar: Your mother is not that open minded like ours so we told them to wait outside.
Lavangi: We should call them. Akash was so worried about you. Let me give em a call.
Simar: You got their contact number?
Lavangi: Oh shit! I never asked them. Do you have it?
Simar: No, I never asked them either.
Mia: (nods negative)
Moon: I don't have a smartphone, sorry.
Lavangi: You don't have a smartphone in this day and age. Oh come on. Atleast you must remember your brother's number.
Moon: I don't know what it is.
Lavangi: Seriously!
Lily: Calm down. I got Akash's number. Wait! (picks her phone) Oh no! 5 plus missed calls.
Simar: Of Akash?
Lily: (nods positive)
Simar: He said you were not picking up. Call him.
Akash: Hah! Atleast we should get in the building.
Piyush: They are sure taking time. I told them to hurry up.
Akash: (phone rings, accepts) Hello! Lily! How are you? Why weren't you picking up my calls? Are you sick? Did you eat something?
Piyush: What are you doing acting like a young boy in love? It's making me sick. Stop that?
Akash: I am sorry. You were saying something. There is a dog nearby barking breathlessly at me so I couldn't hear.
Piyush: Shit licker!
Akash: What! You sure? I don't want something inside of me by your mom. Ok! Ok! We are coming.
Piyush: What is it masturbator?
Akash: She says we can go in. Her mother is not at home right now.
Piyush: Let's go then.
G-one wrapped up the apron around him. Kajal was preparing to leave.
G-one: Mam, is there anything other than this apron I can use to show I am a staff here?
Kajal: I am afraid not. What's wrong with apron?
G-one: It just hangs on my neck, feels like it is strangling me. I actually don't like anything roped around my neck.
Kajal: Hmm! I can't get you a staff t-shirt right now because of the lockdown. But I got one right here if you don't mind it.
G-one: Ofcourse, that would do. Where is it?
Kajal: Let me get it off (begins undoing her t-shirt).
G-one: (turns his eyes) Wait, wait, wait, wait! Mam, wait. Not this one.
Kajal: (grins) Why not? What's wrong?
G-one: I can't use your t-shirt.
Kajal: Why? Is it not clean?
G-one: No, it is clean. I might get it dirty. And it won't even fit me anyway. You see, (indicates his height).
Kajal: It's fine. It will fit, you see (indicates her breast size). It's bigger than it looks.
G-one: Mam you shouldn't say that.
Kajal: Why? If I am lying then tell me.
G-one: You are not lying, actually the aprons feel better now. I can do with it. Thanks for your consideration.
Kajal: What! You are no fun.
G-one: Mam, one more thing.
Kajal: What! You want my t-shirt now.
G-one: Nooo! (huffs, coughs) I don't have a phone. I thought you could help me with it.
Kajal: You are so demanding for a new employ.
G-one: I am sorry. I didn't mean to be rude.
Kajal: It's fine. I was just kidding. I know you can't get a phone right now, thanks to the lockdown. I have an old phone of my brother at home he is not using. I will get it for you.
G-one: Thankyou, I will be grateful. I will pay for it.
Kajal: How so (gets close to G-one)?
G-one: By, by money. I have some savings.
Kajal: I thought you have come up with some other way to pay up. Ok, take care. I will be back soon (starts walking away).
G-one: What did you mean by other way? Is there any other way to pay except with money?
Kajal: (looks back) Yes, ofcourse there is (grins, walks away).
G-one: (Gulps, whisper) I would rather prefer money. I am too young for her anyway. But damn she is hot. I won't mind if she lets me have a look at her curves. Shit, she is my superior. What am I thinking? I am such a dog. I am a dog. Ya, where is my bone?
Shubhu: G-one!
G-one: You saw that?
Shubhu: She always do this to her new employees. But she ragged you tough though. I got it easy.
G-one: What did she do to you?
Shubhu: She mistakenly pulled my pants down.
G-one: (yells) That's the worst humiliation ever man.
Shubhu: Don't worry, I was wearing shorts underneath.
G-one: Oh! I see. (Yells) You still got fucked up bad.
Shubhu: Easy, there was no one else except us two.
G-one: How's that any better damn it. I will have to hold my pants tight around her. She is dangerous.
Shubhu: It was a mistake dude, chill.
G-one: You are very much chill for the one who lost his dignity. I bet you can't even distinguish between a mistake and a purposefully executed prank.
Shubhu: Chill.
G-one: Should I chew on ice?
The police headquarters..
Staff 1: Sir, another child was abducted. Her mother reported that her father took her forcefully with him and never came back.
Shyam: A kid. I thought he was only going after adults.
Vineet: This is second. The first kid was found dead in the central hospital with a hole in his chest. Did you forget?
Shyam: Damn it. Why kids all of a sudden? Did any other report of child abduction?
Staff 1: No sir. Not yet.
Vineet: Tell our petrols to look for the kid. Send them her image.
Staff 1: Yes sir.
Shyam: Damn it.
Vineet: We will find her. Believe in god.
Shyam: Ya, dead. Like the last one. God is not bothered by this anyway.
Vineet: Who knows, he is taking our test.
Shyam: Using a kid. Come on.
Lily's apartment...
Akash: (jumps to Lilly) Lily! (Piyush catches him in the air)
Piyush: (holding Akash) Easy! She has not recuperated completely yet.
Akash: Let me touch her atleast. I think she needs a mouth to mouth.
Piyush: She is breathing fine, crazy Bastard.
Lily: (giggles) I am fine. Take it easy.
Piyush: (relieves his grab) Go, monkey shit.
Lavangi: I expected this much. Akash will surely act on seeing her.
Akash: Hey! I am just worried.
Mia: She is all right. No need to get worked up. Moon's touch restored her back to health.
Piyush: Moon is a doctor or what!
Akash: She really performs miracles, first chilling up the canned cola and now chilling up my bab.. ahem! I mean Lily.
Lavangi: You were about to say something cringey right there.
Akash: You were paying attention?
Lavangi: I always do.
Akash: Don't you have something else to do? Go fetch her a water.
Lavangi: Ok, hey why me.
Lily: No need of that. You all go now. My mother would be on her way back. She could get here any minute.
Piyush: Let's go before it gets dark. And if her mother saw us in her room she might stab us to death. Come on.
Lavangi: She could probably do that.
Simar: No she won't. She is sweet and considerate.
Akash: Would she consider me being Lily's, you know what I mean?
Lavangi: She will throw you out of her window.
Akash: Oh my god.
Lily: Don't worry, I will catch you.
Akash: Ya you will. See you Lily, take care.
Lily: Yes, see you tomorrow.
Mia: Bye.
Lily: (waves bye).
They walk out. On their way down by the elevator..
Lavangi: Hey, Piyush. Give me your number, I don't have it.
Simar: Me too.
Piyush: Ya, right. Let's stay connected. Here!
Mia: I should save it too, just incase. Akash! What's yours?
Akash: Give me your phone (takes her phone) here.
Lavangi: Akash, save it in mine too.
Simar: What's G-one's?
Piyush: He doesn't have a phone.
Mia: He doesn't have a phone!
Akash: Don't worry, we asked him to get one. Cause it is necessary.
Simar: Moon doesn't have one too. You should get her one as well.
Piyush: Oh yeah! I will buy her one. Till then she can use G-one's.
Moon: Ya, I should learn how to use it before...
Suddenly Moon feels another magical surge in the building.
Lavangi: We will teach you. So don't worry.
Simar: It's pretty easy.
Piyush: She is not very familiar with electronic devices. I heard G-one is helping her with the computer as well.
Akash: Computer is way complicated than smartphones. She won't have much problem in learning to use phones.
Mia: She knows how to read. It's not like she is a field ox.
Piyush: Ya, right.
Everyone laughs.
Simar: Last I checked ox doesn't need smartphones.
Akash: It will probably chew it up anyway. Like this (imitates).
Everyone laughs...
Moon: (Lost)
Mia: Moon! (shakes her up)
Moon: Yeah!
Mia: You alright?
Moon: Oh! I am uncomfortable in cramped spaces. So!
Elevator door opens..
Mia: Oh! See, we are done. Come on out.
They were walking down the road talking to each other when they suddenly encounter Lavangi and Simar's mothers.
Lavangi's mother: Oh god! Simar, my girl. Come here! (caress her) How are you doing?
Simar's mother: Lavangi! My tigress, here. You are getting thin. Don't you eat properly? What's this?
Piyush: (whispers) Hey! Mia, who are they?
Mia: They are Simar and Lavangi's mothers.
Akash: Oh! I see.
Simar's mother: What are you doing? I told you to take care of my girl. Why is she going thin?
Lavangi's mother: Sorry, I will be more careful. But my girl is strong as me it seems. Right Simar?
Simar's mother: Why won't she? I keep her well fed. Not like you who saves money for her own good.
Lavangi's mother: Excuse me!
Lavangi: Take it easy mothers, we got our friends here. They are watching, don't start before them.
Simar's mother: Oh sorry! I didn't see them. Hey everyone!
Lavangi's mother: Hello!
Piyush: Namaste mam!
Akash: (Bows) Namaste!
Note:- Namaste and feet touching are two basic ways of greeting people older than you in India.
Moon: (bows)
Mia: Hello aunty.
Lavangi's mother: Mia, long time no see. But, who are these new figures?
Simar: They are our new friends from college. Piyush, Akash and Moon. They came with us to check on Lily.
Simar's mother: Oh right! Lily's mother told us her daughter was feeling sick. How is she doing?
Lavangi: She is doing fine. Moon touched her and her fever disappeared like nothing.
Simar's mother: Ya, friends have the ability to cure illness sometimes. You two are some good looking fellas. What stream are you two from?
Lavangi: They are of the same stream as us.
Simar's mother: Yeah right, that should have been obvious. I am sorry.
Piyush: Talking about good looks, you two are more beautiful than your daughters here. Right?
Akash: Huh! They are their mother. Oh my god! I thought they were their older sister. I am sorry.
Simar's Mother: (blushes) Oh come on, enough with the flattery.
Lavangi's mother: You boys know your ways with the words.
Lavangi: (hugs Simar's mother) Hey, are you trying to hit on our mothers? Back off.
Piyush: We were just telling the truth. That's all.
Lavangi: Don't act like G-one, ok.
Simar's mother: Who is G-one now?
Lavangi: He is one of our friends. He has a habit of speaking truth, if he feels it to be worth speaking that is.
Simar's mother: Oh I see.
Simar: Where is Lily's mother? Wasn't she with you both?
Lavangi's mother: Did you all not see her? She rushed here before us.
Simar: I didn't see her.
Lavangi's mother: Well, anyway, it's getting dark. Let's go back to our home. Mia!
Mia: Yes aunty!
Lavangi's mother: Dear, you never come to our home these days. Where are you?
Mia: I am here aunty. It's just, I have been preparing for entrance exam and all, that..
Lavangi's mother: Anyway, how's your father doing?
Mia: He is good.
Simar's mother: Your father still drinks too much, doesn't he? He will never learn. You can come and stay with us anytime if he bothers you, you understand girl. And don't rely on her (indicates Lavangi's mother), she couldn't even feed her daughter how would she feed you.
Mia: (laughs)
Lavangi's mother: Oh please! Stop that. And you can come and see us sometimes too. Alright!
Piyush: Yes, mam. We will. Thankyou.
Simar's mother: Bring that, one friends of yours too, what was his name again?
Piyush: G-one.
Simar's mother: Ya, him. Ok, now we should go. You all take care, all right.
Piyush: Yes mam, nice to meet you.
Akash: Namaste mam.
Lavangi's mother: You are very pretty Moon. Who are you? A foreigner?
Moon: No mam, I am his sister (catches Piyush's hand).
Lavangi's mother: Oh, I see. Your hair colour is different, so I thought. Don't worry, the western style suits you. Ok, take care.
Moon: You too, mam (bows).
Lavangi and Simar walk away with their mothers.
Simar's mother: Moon is like an angel.
Lavangi: Isn't she?
Piyush; Mothers are something else.
Akash: They are totally like their mothers. I mean, wow!
Mia: What are you saying? Both of them are totally apposite of their mothers mature. Lavangi is like Simar's mother, talkative and boisterous and Simar is like Lavangi's mother sincere and obedient.
Akash: Huh! Didn't you see? How they were hugging their mothers? Come on. It was obvious.
Piyush: Pretty obvious I would say.
Mia: What did you see? They were hugging each other's mother, idiot.
Piyush and Akash: (mouth hangs wide) Whaaat!
Akash: No way! You must be mistaken.
Mia: You think you know better than me.
Piyush: Moon, you thought the same right?
Moon: No, ofcourse they were holding each other's mother. You couldn't tell. Simar's mother even scolded Lavangi's mother for feeding Lavangi poorly. I understood it right there.
Mia: That's why they love each other's daughters way more their own daughters cause they resemble them so much.
Piyush: Man! I am so stupid. Along with you ofcourse.
Akash: Atleast, try to be stupid alone once, termite. Why do you pull me along with you everytime?
Mia: (laughs)
Piyush: Hey Mia, where is your house?
Mia: It's right at that corner.
Akash: Then we should escort you home as well.
Mia: No, it's fine. I can go from here. My father is worse than Lily's mother. He will flip out if he saw me with you guys. And you have to go in the opposite direction as well. I can go alone from here.
Akash: You sure?
Mia: Ofcourse, it's not dark yet. I will be fine.
Piyush: Ok then, take care. See you at the college tomorrow.
Mia: Ok, see ya.
Moon: Bye Mia. I will call you by Piyush's phone when we get home.
Mia: (smiles) Alright.
They seperate their ways. The time passes. Kajal enters her shop.
Kajal: I am back. Sorry, I am late. Got held up at home for a while. How's it going?
Shubhu: Fine mam. I have arranged the new stocks on the shelves.
Kajal: Good. And you G-one? Having any problem?
G-one: Nope. Everything is good.
Kajal: Here (takes out the phone), I got my brother's phone. I tried to switch it on but it won't start. I am sorry. I couldn't get you a proper working phone.
G-one: Don't mention it Mam. Atleast you tried. Thankyou for that.
Kajal: You can have this for free I guess. If you can get it repaired that is. My brother has discarded it anyway.
G-one: I suppose I can (takes the phone). What is supposed to be the problem? Any idea?
Kajal: Don't know. I am not very familiar with android defects. It is not responding a bit, that's all I know.
G-one: (screen flickers in his hand) Huh!
Kajal: Ok, I am gonna change. G-one! Would you like to give me a hand?
G-one: Yes, let's go. What! No! Mam, don't ask such things of me. My god!
Kajal: (laughs, walks into her cabin)
Shubhu: (smirks at G-one)
G-one: (smirks back at him twitching lips).
The little girl was still sitting on her knees, looking at Ra-one doing his deeds through her soulless eyes. Ra-one throws away the damaged body over the pile of dead bodies. He starts towards the little girl and lifts her by grabbing her face. A tear rolls down of her right eye.
Ra-one: Huh! I once did it with a boy of your age, he failed too. Bodies of your age don't have enough tolerance. I was surprised when someone brought you here. But since you are here, it would be a waste to throw you out. Listen,
Man: Yes sir,
Ra-one: I want you to beat some endurance into her. She will be the last one after I finish with all the bodies here, (throws her away).
Man: As you wish (drags the little girl away).
G-one's shift completes...
G-one: I am off now. Have a good night you two (walks out).
Shubhu: You too man.
Kajal: Be careful on your way back.
G-one feels the phone in his pocket.
G-one: Hmm! I will look into it after going back. But before that, let's do what I am designed to.. (runs and jumps) Oh yeah!
G-one jumps to the roof of one house, running and leaping from one to next, madly laughing, with sparkles covering his calves and forearms shining in the brightly lit night background, he soared through the rooftops. The rising scent of positive energy spreads out in the air pulling the minions towards G-one. They watch him jumping from one house to another over their head. They run after him, following the street. G-one senses the negativity gathering behind him. He jumps at a minion below his feet and immobilises him immediately. A considerable number of manipulated people were standing behind him.
Man 1: Who are you?
G-one stands over the immobilised minion with the people standing behind him like shadows.
G-one: (his eyes shine blue leaking sparks sideways, grins) Allow me to introduce myself.