The adrenaline on the court was high. The game was drawing the attention of the people again. Peeping through the windows and diverting their eyes of their games, they watched G-one and the crew rampaging on the court. With G-one, Piyush, Akash and Ana on one team and others on the opposite, the match wasn't getting any easier.
Player 2: Pass, pass, Manas.
Manas: (passes)
Player 2: (Catches the ball and sprints)
Akash: Ana, it's yours. Grab it.
Ana: (blocks player 2 but gets tricked by a crossover, player 2 passes to player 3).
Piyush: G-one, move up.
G-one: (leaves the defence and crosses the mid line).
Piyush: (snatches the ball from player 4 on his first dribble as he gets the pass from player 3).
Player 1: What the hell are you doing, idiot?
Player 4: I was just about to start the dribble. Shit!
Manas: Cover up the players. I got Piyush.
Manas tries to block Piyush's advance, Piyush bounces of the ball between his legs and passes to G-one and score.
Player 3: Who was the one covering G-one?
Player 2: No one saw him going to the offence. Everyone was busy with their incursion.
Manas: Ok, let's wrap up for today. Nice playing Ana. You improved a lot in just one day. You even left Akash behind for his start.
Akash: Hey! (clenches fist).
Player 4: You will have to admit, even with just four players and two beginners on their team, G-one and Piyush gave a good beatdown. The score doesn't have much difference but they won either way.
Player 3: I knew Akash has gotten better, but I thought atleast Ana would hold em back. But she yanked us as well.
Player 2: You are learning fast Ana. I think you will soon command the basketball's women team.
Ana: Thankyou, but I still have a long way to go.
Akash: Oh yeah, after you get better than me that is.
Player 1: Don't let her leave you behind or she will take your place in Piyush's team.
Akash: Just like that. I am already in the air and she is still learning to fly. I will be far away from her until she could reach the skies.
Player 1: Pigs like you take time in flying, but she is a bird, she will be soaring through the skies in no time.
Akash: Who are you calling pig? This pig just beat you in the game.
Player 2: You are saying like you did it alone.
Akash: Whatever, the thing that matters is I was in the winning team.
Player 2: Scumbag, hahaha!
Player 1: He says the truth though.
G-one and Piyush were walking out of the court without a word. Ana saw them leaving, she followed her.
Ana: You two are leaving so soon.
Piyush: I am a bit thirsty after the game. So I am heading for the tap.
Ana: My throat is dry as well. I will come with you too.
G-one: (walking silently before them)
Ana: So, how did I?
Piyush: Just like everyone said. You were good. Better, if you are asking.
Ana: I will do better. If you all keep teaching me.
Piyush: Why not. We will.
Ana: (walks to G-one) You are not saying anything.
G-one: Why didn't you laugh?
Ana: Huh! What do you mean?
G-one: Why didn't you laugh while playing with us?
Ana: I.. don't understand what you are saying.
G-one: You went back to being serious again. Why is that?
Ana: I don't know how to laugh. I am not very familiar to that.
G-one: What did you say? You were laughing just yesterday. You think we didn't see.
Ana: Yesterday! When? I don't remember.
G-one: You forget your smiles. How weak your memory can be?
Ana: I don't get to have many moments like that. So I don't exactly feel necessary to keep them in my memory (walks away).
G-one: (stares at her go)
Piyush: I don't know why, but it seems like she has a very deep reason behind her lack of emotions.
G-one: Whatever the reason may be, Piyush. But,
Piyush: We can't let anything more to add itself into it.
G-one: We need to get that senior off of her head if we are to help her.
Piyush: We can't do anything directly now, bud, or the deal will break. She will have to do it on her own if she wants him to let go.
Akash: Hey, what are you doing here?
Piyush: (goes to drink water)
Ana: (already drinking on the tap)
Piyush: (holds the other tap)
Akash: Oh, looks like water is calling me too.
G-one: Wait here, how is she? Looks like you have made up with her.
Akash: It looked like she was having a bit of a fever left. But she is doing fine now.
G-one: So, she had a some of the fever. Maybe that's why she was sleeping in her class. Did she say somet....
Suddenly a punch comes flying towards Akash's face, G-one pushes Akash back and and stands before the puncher. The puncher sticks to G-one's back. Ana thought that no one was paying attention so she puts pressure on the tap's mouth using her finger and directs the water towards G-one but the puncher gets drenched as G-one was hiding behind him.
Piyush: (spits water as he sees Ana spraying water) You witch! (looks behind to find someone else getting soaked).
Ana: So close, once again (bangs on the platform).
Boy 1: What are you doing, girl?
Piyush: (stands before her) Wait, she was aiming for someone else. He just happened to get in the way.
Boy 2: Vinay, your shirt is all wet.
G-one: Why are swinging punch on my friend?
Vinay: (pushes G-one away) Damn it, fuck. Who the hell pulled this prank on me? I was just here to give a taste of my fist to someone and you got me all wet. I am not here for a pool party.
Piyush: What's going on here?
Boy 1: Your friend there raised a scene in our department. He will have to repent for it.
Piyush: What do you mean? When did he?
Boy 2: Ask him, he will tell you.
Piyush: Akash, what is this?
G-one: (looks slightly at Akash)
Akash: Are you talking about that? You should go ask that guy of your department. He was the one who accused me of disturbing when I was just there to meet my friend.
Vinay: I told you to manage your actions when you step in someone else's department. It doesn't matter who did what. People always listen to their own people. So your argument has been denied. You need to be taught a lesson so that you understand what it gets you when you mess with other departments (looks at Piyush with creepy smile).
Piyush: (baffled)
Ana: Piyush, what's going on here?
G-one: I apologize on his behalf, sir. Please let this one slide.
Akash: Why are you apologizing G-one. I wasn't at fault here.
Vinay: Apology is not gonna cut it. I heard he caught my boy's collar. He will get a hit, that's his payback for humiliating my faculty member.
Boy 2: Ya, you insulted him for no reason. You think you can do whatever.
Boy 1: Apology is letting you go easy. We don't hand over such gifts that easily.
Akash: That's bullshit, I never grabbed anyone's collar.
G-one: Listen, think this through sir, we don't need violence here. We won't ever go to your building anymore. So, please let this one go.
Akash: What are you saying, G-one? That cannot happen.
Vinay: Huh! It carries no fun. Some pain is necessary.
Rajneesh: You are always eager to break fights with the science section, aren't you?
Boy 1: (terrified) Hah! Ra..Ra..Rajneesh.
Boy 2: (sweats)
Rajneesh: The boy is giving a valid offer. Why don't you consider it?
Vinay: This matter doesn't concern you. Back off.
Rajneesh: Why don't you think rationally for once? Why do you want to cause another unnecessary faculty war? Stop it. You know it brings nothing good. That kid is giving up half of his freedom for his mistake. I think he has given you more than enough payback.
Vinay: Tsk! Fine, you three better not show your faces in our building again. Or it won't be nice for you (walks away with his boys). Damn, I will have to get this shirt dry now.
Rajneesh: Phew! I avoided you witnessing something you hate Ana.
Ana: Good that you were here Rajneesh. I really appreciate it.
Rajneesh: Those guys should be grateful that I was here. Well, see ya. I need to be some where.
Ana: Good evening.
Piyush: Thankyou for the assist. Tell that to you friend.
Ana: He is no friend of fine, he is just someone I know. And go say that to him by yourself.
Piyush: You can do it for us, can't you?
Ana: You all are not my friends either. You are my war enemies. Don't forget that (walks away).
Akash: Why did you propose something like that? How will I see Lily now?
G-one: Relax. Take it easy.
Akash: You could have buried their face in the floor. Why did you apologize to them, termite?
Piyush: He did the right thing. You want him to show off his power like that in public. Think before saying, crazy fuck.
Akash: Apologizing without any mistake, what happened to your ego, dicklicker?
G-one: It was a mistake.
Akash: How so?
G-one: Leaving you alone like that, in his territory, was a mistake that we made.
Akash: Damn it, shit. I am very pissed off.
G-one: Don't worry, you can still see Lily. You may not be able to go to her class. But she can come to ours, bitch. Did you forget that?
Piyush: This crazy idiot never looks far ahead. Don't talk after licking dog shit.
Akash: Great, thanks for looking after me, douchebags.
Piyush: Luckily, because of Vinay we evaded an unexpected attack from Ana.
G-one: How did she spill water on him from that far?
Akash: I didn't see, I was talking to you.
Piyush: You both were busy and she was smart enough to take that opportunity and pressured the water focusing it towards you. Thank god that Vinay jumped in between or she might have exposed your sparks before others as well.
Akash: Why did you let your guard down around her? You need to be vigilant around her, what the fuck!
Piyush: Damn, it's nothing. We just,
G-one: Ok, enough, next time we will be careful, we all should be careful. She is our enemy, for now. Let's go with that.
Akash: What is this sloppy talk for? Did something happen?
Piyush: Nothing, let's get our bags and change out of this outfit.
They start walking towards the sports room.
Akash: Arey! I am drenched with my own sweat. Hey, G-one!
G-one: What happened?
Akash: Your sweat doesn't produce spark. How's that?
G-one: My bodily liquids do not react with me. How many times do I have to tell you?
Akash: Ok, ok, I was just curious man. It just, we all are soaking with our sweats, but your t-shirt doesn't even have a wet spot.
G-one: Another perk of my power I guess. I am not sure how much time it takes, but my sweat dries up quickly than normal. Must be something related to my constitution.
Piyush: It's good, if sweats stays for long it starts smelling.
Akash: But I heard if your sweat has too much salt in it, then it smells.
Piyush: Wrong, it turns white, but it doesn't smell.
Akash: Really!
G-one: According me to, both of them smell. But the smell strength may vary.
Piyush: Not sure about it. Better stop eating too much salt, then. I don't like white stains on my clothes, it seems like something else, something vulgar. If you know what I mean.
Akash: Then control your salt fetish, termite. You yourself eat that much, and telling us about it.
They enter the sports room and find Manas and others getting changed with some students from different sports.
Player 2: You three always stay behind us. What's the matter?
Akash: Oh! Something came up.
Player 2: At the tap?
Player 3: Where is Ana?
Piyush: Why! You want to see her get changed?
Player 3: No rascal, she went home, that's what I wanted to know.
Others laugh,
Player 1: Not like he doesn't want to. But he can't, with Karan and all on her tail, it would be better to not to glance very much at her.
Manas: Poor girl, she messed up after the deed. Only if she had known about the situation that would get her in.
G-one: What deed?
Manas: That girl, what was her name again?
Piyush: (pulls out a top from his bag) What the fuck!
Everyone looks at him.
Piyush: Who is this crazy bastard? Who the fuck is he? Who dared to pull such a prank on me? I will kill that scumbag.
Everyone laughs rolling on the floor.
G-one: (controlling his laugh) What is this, man? How did it get in your bag?
Piyush: Fuck! Where is my shirt, where is it? It's not here. They took it away. Motherfu..
Player 2: Wear it man, you got no choice. If you are not planning to walk around in your soaking smelly basketball t-shirt.
Piyush: You wear it bastard, cover your crotch with this.
Player 3: Easy man, don't you have a spare shirt?
Piyush: Who comes wearing two shirts, dumbass? I sure come with one.
Player 3: Ok, dude. Does somebody else has one with them? A spare?
Everyone nods negative.
Player 3: This is terrible, we should start bringing a spare from tomorrow.
Piyush: What good it would do if you start bringing it from tomorrow? My neck is hanging right now, do something.
Player 4: Nothing can be done my friend, you will have to wear it.
Piyush: You see this (stretches the top before them) It won't even cover me entirely, the size is way unfit.
Giggling echoes,
Piyush: Are you still enjoying? Why do I feel like one of you bastard has pulled this?
Player 3: No way, how can one of us be possessing a girl's top? Seriously, we can never come up with that silly prank. No!
G-one: You will have to take your basketball t-shirt home with you wearing it. No option.
Piyush: Fuck! fuck! fuck!
Akash: Hey, there is a note in your bag.
G-one: What! Where?
Piyush and other look in the bag and are stricken by endanger reaction.
G-one: Is, is, that a threat?
The letter says, "wear it or die, choose wisely".
Akash: Who the hell is this bastard? Does he think he can threaten you like this?
Piyush: (zips the bag)
G-one: What are you going to do?
Piyush: (takes his hanging t-shirt down from the wall).
Player 3: You are going with your t-shirt.
Player 4: So, you really thought he was going to wear the girl's top.
Player 2: Come on, ridiculous. It's Piyush we are talking about here.
Manas: Ok, everyone, let's go. Enough with the top topic. I have to return the room key to the management office.
Piyush and party were walking through the front yard towards the gate, though there were considerable number of students still left walking out of the campus. Piyush was in his wet t-shirt. G-one and Akash were behind him whispering and giggling.
Akash: That stupid termite really wore it. I mean, wow.
G-one: May a dog bite him, bitch.
Piyush: (thinks) I need to get the t-shirt washed anyways, may as well take it home with me. But why these crazy fucks are laughing like birds at me?
Suddenly G-one and Akash get scraped by a chill of terror and Piyush finds someone creeping onto his back, wrapping his arm enclosing his neck.
Piyush: (terrified) Wh..wh...Nikita!
Nikita: (tightening her grip, smiling devilishly) I asked you to wear it or die. Looks like you chose the second option. So I am being swift.
Akash: (whispers) Should have known it was her? Piyush must have figured it out.
Piyush: Wait, wait, you have got it all wrong. I am wearing it.
Nikita: (tightens) Lie, then why don't I see it?
Piyush: (coughs) It's... inside.
Nikita: Inside, what do you mean?
Akash: He is wearing it inside his t-shirt, Nikita let him go. You are choking him bad.
Nikita: (leaves Piyush) Huh! You wore it inside. How does that make me happy?
Piyush: (coughs) You never said that I have to wear that only, I can wear it inside, right?
Nikita: Playing with the words. Ok, my bad, you wore it, that's enough. That shows how much you love me. Thankyou, (smiles).
Akash: That's some amazing love.
Nikita: Huh!
Akash: Wow, what a love, hahaha!
Piyush: Where is my shirt? Hand it over.
Nikita: Don't ask me. Simar and Lavangi have it after they tore it in two halves.
Piyush: Two halves! So you three were all a part of this together.
Nikita: Don't lump me in with those loosers. They were fighting over your t-shirts for stupid reason and ripped it like a useless piece of paper and then ran off like nothing happened. I, being considerate left my top there for you so that you don't have to walk around naked. But looks like you had it covered.
Akash: What help, it's more like a torture for him.
Piyush: (clenches his fist, thinks with teeth grinding) Those nutjobs, what were they trying to pull embarrassing me for no reason like this? What have I ever done to them?
G-one: Nikita, if you don't mind me asking.
Nikita: Yes?
G-one: Where is that you live?
Akash and Piyush: (attentive)
Nikita: Well, I live in just the opposite town of Piyush and Akash, but meanwhile I am staying at college dorm.
G-one: Oh! Same as hers.
Nikita: Yes, same as hers.
Piyush: Hers? Who is her?
Nikita: I know who he is talking about. Right G-one?
G-one: (nervous) Yeah, I umm, Ana, I by mistake know she is in the girls dorms.
Piyush: Oh really! Very knowledgeable, aren't you?
G-one: Why do you come out so late? You stay behind with your friends or something?
Akash: (whispers) Hah! Like she really have friends. Bitch bone where of.
Nikita: (gazes at Akash)
Akash: ( walks erect)
Nikita: Ya, I stay with my friends to discuss on strategy.
G-one: Strategy?
Piyush: What! You are like about to start a war or something?
Nikita: Something like that.
G-one: Like what? Are you interested in some strategy game?
Akash: Game, is she a small kid?
G-one: We actually play games too you know. I even crave for watching cartoons.
Piyush: Cartoon, or should I say anime. They are on different levels.
Nikita: A game, may be. If you consider taking over this college a game, then ya, that is what it is.
Akash and Piyush: (endanger reaction)
G-one: Hahaha! Nice one Nikita. Amazing! Then I wish you best of luck in that.
Nikita: Oh, sweet. See you then (turns to the other direction).
Piyush: Hey G-one! You realise that she was actually telling the truth, right.
G-one: Huh! Truth about what?
Akash: Truth about taking over the college.
G-one: Oh shit, really, like she can really take over the college. Come on.
Piyush and Akash stare at him.
G-one: Wait, she isn't capable of taking over the college right.
Piyush and Akash: (nod yes)
G-one: It will be good then, as she being our friend, we will be spared from the bullying and crap right, hahahaha!
Akash: Damn, masturbating termite, then we will definitely get ourselves fucked. As we are her friends and all. Special treatment for her buddies.
G-one: Shit, that was definitely a joke. And arts department doesn't really have that much man power. They can't really pull it off. So chill.
The girls were waiting at the intersection.
Moon: Hey guys, what took so much time? We have been waiting for you.
Lavangi: (twitches her eyes) Piyush! What happened to your shirt? Why are you in your t-shirt?
Piyush: (thinks) Playing innocent, are you? I will play along as well. Let's see how long are you going to keep your game up like that. (To Lavangi) I actually got my shirt ripped off. So I had to wear this.
Simar: Oh! Really. That is so wrong.
Mia: How did you got your t-shirt torn off?
Piyush: Nothing, I heard from a fellow student that two doggies entered the games room and fought over my t-shirt, ripping it in halves and then ran off with it. If I ever caught those bitches, I will hold their mouths in water until the bubbles stop. Hahaha! (looks at Lavangi and Simar furiously).
Lily: You don't need to be that cruel. Those are some innocent animals. It must be a mistake, let it go.
Moon: How did dogs even get inside the games room?
Mia: I am curious about that too.
Lavangi and Simar look at each other dreadfully.
Akash: Whatever, we will be prepared from tomorrow for any such things. Seems like that could happen again. People are careless creatures you know.
G-one: Hey, Aren't the one who tore..(gets elbowed by Piyush in his abdomen), ma..
Akash: (jumps towards Lily) Hey, heroine, how you doing?
They continue for their residences.
G-one walks in the supermarket store.
G-one: G-one reporting mam!
Kajal: (spills the cola she was drinking over her chest) Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god, cold, it's cold.
Subhu: What happened mam? You all right? (finds her t-shirt transparent exposing skin because of the spilled cola).
Kajal: (pulls her t-shirt forward blowing over it gently)
G-one: (approaches) Sorry mam, I wasn't trying to surprise you, (turns his face away as he notices her exposed skin).
Kajal: (blowing) Don't worry, it wasn't your fault. Foo! Foo! I was hasty, I drank too much of a chilled cola in one go.
Subhu: (staring at her drooling like a dirty dog).
Kajal: Done with your work?
Subhu: (snaps out) Ah! No, almost done. I should get back at it ( goes back).
Kajal: Why are you standing there facing the other side?
G-one: (thinks) Holy shit, she is so sexy right now, it might stand if I took another look at her. Damn! Why isn't she going away?
Kajal: Come, take your place behind the counter. I will have to get this t-shirt cleaned. It's all sticky now. Come on.
G-one: Ok, (quickly slips behind the desk).
Kajal: Oh! You forgot your apron. Let me get you, here( reaches her).
G-one: (his sight swings by her wet chest) Oooh! (quickly snatches and wears the apron and begins waving it), it's really hot today, isn't it mam? Hahaha! (looking at her breasts) You should really get changed. I can't bear this sexiness...ugh, I mean, I can't see you dripping like this. It might be unhealthy for your beauty.
Kajal: (shrinks her eyes and smirks) Oh, you care too much for me. I should really change it for you. I don't want you loosing interest in me now. Right?
G-one: (stills staring at her) Ya, ya, ya, oh, no, no, no. What are you talking about?
Kajal: (walks away laughing) Hold the fort, I will be back soon.
Subhu: (flinches his eyes at G-one smiling lecherously)
G-one: (nods perversely smiling at him).
Kajal: (changes into an outfit that exposes her waist) Ok guys, I will be going now. Take care by the time I come back.
Subhu: Yes mam.
G-one: Yes mam, be careful on the...(as he looks at her, with her waist catching his eyes his head drops on the desk like a meteorite).
Kajal: G-one! What happened? (runs towards him).
G-one: (stretches his right arm, covering his eyes with his left hand catching glances momentarily) Wait, I am fine, I am fine. Something went into my eyes.
Kajal: Over your glasses? How come?
G-one: Glasses don't give 100 percent protection from the dust particles. You didn't know? Ha..ha..ha.
Kajal: Ya, if you say so. Ok, take care (walks out).
G-one: (looking at her waist as she walks away, gulps)
Subhu: (approaches G-one) What was that? You couldn't handle the heat?
G-one: Nah man, I just can't get enough of sexy and smooth waists. And mam has one hell of a dangerous curve. A sudden glance made my mind slip.
Subhu: Ae he! You got a waist fetish, haven't you?
G-one: Kinda, I can die over curves. I can't control my body when I see one juicy waist like that. What is gonna happen to me?
Subhu: Well, I got booty fetish. I can't control myself when I see bubbly butts, oh hell.
G-one: Thankyou, but I didn't ask about your fetishes. Well, did you find what happened to Swati?
Subhu: Well, I tried to contact her but she has her phone switched off.
G-one: Did you have a talk with her before about why she is having trouble to maintain her attendance?
Subhu: I did ask her when she last showed up. She said she was just too scared to step out because of all the abductions.
G-one: Valid reason. But why is her cell phone turned off?
Subhu: I don't know. Maybe she has changed her number or something. It's been sometime since I last talked with her on phone. I heard you got a phone from mam yesterday. How is it?
G-one: It was broken, but I fixed it somehow.
Subhu: Is that so? Show me (toys with phone) Wow, you got a pretty one. How does your phone have such good visuals when my and your phone are of the same companies?
G-one: Maybe because I have a different model. (thinks) I can't exactly tell him it's because of my HART.
Subhu: Ya, you are right. Different models do posses different features. Well, we should share contacts. We might need it as we are work partners now right.
G-one: Well said.
Police hq...
DCP: Listen men, it is a very good thing that we are slowly procuring the abducted people. But we still are at a loss for who is the culprit behind all the abduction and deaths. Since, we still don't know the whereabouts of more than half people who are still missing including the criminal, we can't sit easy just by recovering few of the victims. If my calculation is correct, like the last two days we found few of the missing people, I believe we will encounter some more tonight as well. I don't know what blue sparks signify here, we need to find out whether it bodes well or it's the root of all evil. I need the petrolling unit to investigate anything that looks like blue sparks in their eyes. Got that.
Staff: Yes sir.
DCP: Shyam and Vineet, I want you to hold the radio communication and navigation.
Shyam and Vineet: Sir, yes sir.
DCP: Get the show started, everyone.