I've lost it but that's fine

Three days had easily passed, and Emma has recovered from all the injuries she received after Vole attacked him. Well, it was a fast recovery for deep wounds and broken bones.

On the other hand, the attackers' corpses were eaten by the monsters outside of the Arzotoc village. By this, the guards weren't given a task to clear the area as monsters did it for them. Also, the sky dripping heavy rain for the past two days, so they were certain blood was already washed away.


It was early morning and the sun had barely risen causing a dull gray sky. That day, villagers were started working to catch up with the business suspended because of the war.

"I'm sure the market would be alive again because of the heavy rain we experienced. It will help our crops to grow again."

"We have delicious food here!"

"After this, let's help the guards that were enhancing the village's defense."