Sword training

Soothing colorful birds flying around them and a gentle breeze touching their bodies. After Riku used his [Fly] skill and showed what more interesting view in the Colonary Kingdom.

Of course, Princess Sophia was surprised by this occurrence. Why? Some people could fly by using their magical abilities, but the main here was, that Riku was flying because of his huge dark wings and coated with strong magical power.

"Riku, what is this? And what did you do to have these wings? They are also part of your inventions?" Sophia didn't what she was going to say right now, confused by all the surprises shown by this man.

Riku just smiled at him, flying higher near to the clouds. "It's a long story, Princess Sophia. If I tell all of them right now, I think we can reach one year before I could finish it."

"Hais... You showing something new to me, then are you not explaining it to me. Do you think I can sleep I keep thinking about this?"