The firework party in Lin Zhu's heart came to an end after he heard the coach's further words. His joy vanished, and his face displayed a confused expression instead.

But perhaps it was just his ears that played a trick on him, so he decided to ask, "What did you say just now, Coach?"

The question sounded so dumb and annoying, and the coach glared at him just like an eagle gawked at a chick.

"You didn't even pay attention to what I just said?" He questioned the young athlete in a harsh tone. "You want to be the number one player in the world, but you didn't even pay attention to your coach's words! Maybe it will be better for you if you just retire, Ah Zhu!"

Lin Zhu's guts shrank into tiny particles after hearing the coach's scolding.

Zhang Wei, the world's most patient manager, decided to intervene, "Ah Zhu was just too shocked because of your sudden information, Coach Su. Please don't get angry at him."

Lin Zhu gave an imaginary thumbs up at the kind-hearted manager. He promised not to kick the manager's butt after this.

Fortunately, Coach Su seemed to relent after hearing the manager's reasoning.

"You were good as a singles player in the junior team, but now that you are on the senior team, I can't see your potential anymore. I want you to try your luck as a doubles player."

Lin Zhu's ears caught the same information about the 'playing doubles' stuff, and now he knew that he didn't have any hearing issues.

However, the young athlete was still speechless. He glanced at the manager, and the same manager looked relaxed and unwavering, not looking surprised at all.

'I'll kick his butt twice after this!'

Lin Zhu's head was still experiencing turbulence, but he knew that the coach was waiting for his answer. The shortie then looked up at the coach timidly and asked, "If I don't want to do it, will you kick me out of the team for real, Coach?"

His voice came out weakly like that of a kitten when they were just born into the world. His heart was beating loudly behind his ribs as he waited for the coach's response, and he felt like his soul was pulled out of his body when he finally heard a "yes" coming out from the coach's thick lips.

Lin Zhu had already lost hope. He dreamed of becoming the world's best men's singles player, but now that the coach was about to kick him out of the team, he felt like the sky was falling, and that was the end of his world.

But when he thought about it again, he realized that he still had a choice. Yes, the choice to become the world's best doubles player is the only option now. It was still better than nothing.

"What if I can't do well in the doubles team as well, Coach?"

The head coach looked upset when he heard the question.

"You haven't even started yet, yet you've given up?"

Lin Zhu widened his hazel eyes again.

"That's not what I meant, Coach!" He immediately clarified. "I'm just worried because I've never played doubles before. I don't even know the rules in the doubles sector."

The coach just sighed after hearing the athlete's clarification. "That doesn't matter," he replied. "There will be another head coach in the doubles team, and he will teach you how to be a good doubles player. I just need your 'yes' before we can finally assign you to the doubles team. You have potential, Ah Zhu. We don't want to lose you just like that."

Lin Zhu could sense the coach's sincerity. He had known the coach for about 2 years, but only now did he hear such sincere words coming from the bald coach. The sincere words touched his heart deeply.

"I understand, Coach. I'm so grateful because you decided to give me a second chance."

The head coach just smiled before he asked another question, "Don't you feel curious about your partner in the doubles team?"

Lin Zhu didn't realize it before, but it was important for him to know who his future partner would be. He was no longer a singles player, and he had to build chemistry with his partner later.

"Would you please tell me who will be my partner, Coach? Is it Zhao Jia? Her partner just retired, so she needs a new partner, right?"

Zhao Jia was one of the prettiest girls on the China national team. Her age was only 22, but she successfully snatched some prestigious titles at such a young age. Unfortunately, her partner decided to retire due to his age which was no longer young, so she had no partner now.

If he partnered up with the beautiful girl, then he would be so lucky. The girl was super talented, and his chance to win some titles was high if he partnered up with the girl. And, if Cupid loved to see them together, perhaps he would be able to date the girl later. Just imagining it was able to make him smile.

"Why are you smiling?"

The coach asked in a slightly puzzled tone, and he looked up at the older man. Ah! He was fantasizing in front of the head coach!

"I'm sorry, Coach. I'm just so excited to know who will be my partner."

Lin Zhu grinned widely, and the coach raised an eyebrow at him. "I didn't expect that you would be this excited about your partner," he commented amusedly.

Lin Zhu continued smiling widely, and even the manager was puzzled by his weird attitude.

"Your partner will be coming here, so we just need to wait for h―"

"I'm sorry for coming late, Coach."

The three heads turned to the door after the door opened rather loudly from the outside. A tired-looking man walked towards them with erratic breathing.

Lin Zhu's body froze when he finally recognized the man.

"Wait," he spoke in a slightly dubious tone. "He won't be my partner, will he?"