The friendly match was over in less than 30 minutes, and the coach displayed a disappointed look on his slightly wrinkled face.

The two newbies were standing with their heads hanging low, and the coach was staring at them while frowning.

"It's a bad start."

The words that came out of the coach's lips made the two youngsters gulp nervously.

Of course, it was a bad start for them. They managed to get 9 and 8 points, but those points could fall into their grasp just because their opponent made some mistake. Or perhaps their opponent was just too lenient on them. In short, those points didn't fall into their hands because of their efforts.

"I'm not questioning your skills, but I'm more questioning your dedication to playing doubles. You played together on the court, but both of you were so selfish. I couldn't see your harmony at all. I know that it was the first time you two played together, but I think there's something wrong with you two."

The coach was beyond disappointed in them, and they could only lower their heads deeper.

Coach Cheng sighed before turning to Ye Quan. "Ah Quan," he called the crow-haired man. "Didn't you say that you two are best friends? But why do I see you two are enemies now? You two hate each other, right?"

The coach didn't only look at Ye Quan but also gazed at Lin Zhu. The younger men dared themselves to look up and stared at the coach guiltily.

"I know that you both used to play singles, where you didn't have to have a good relationship with other athletes, but now you're playing doubles, and a good relationship with your partner is a must."

The coach continued his lecture, and the two young men didn't dare to interrupt.

"I don't mean to pry into your personal life, but you have to build a good relationship between the two of you before you can become a better team. Don't you want to win some titles as a team?"

Lin Zhu peeked at Ye Quan, and the latter also peeped at him awkwardly. They didn't say anything, and they couldn't even read each other's minds.

The coach observed the two's silent interaction, and he sighed heavily once again. "Okay," he decided. "I'm not going to force you to be friends or anything, but I just want you to act professionally. Try to keep your game in sync and try to understand each other while you're playing. I won't ask for more, at least for now."

The two athletes looked up at the coach and could see the coach's sincerity.

"I understand, Coach," Ye Quan was the one who finally replied to the coach. "I promise that we will play better in the tournament next month. I will make a strong team with Lin Zhu."

The owner of the name was a bit stunned by the older athlete's words. He, for a few seconds, was speechless while staring at the taller boy, but then he turned ahead and nodded his head.

"I promise the same, Coach. I will make a strong team with Senior Ye."

The coach finally smiled before patting the two athlete's shoulders lovingly.

"That's the spirit," he spoke to the two men. "I'll end the training session today, and you two can go home. We will meet again tomorrow."

The older man nodded his head before leaving the two young athletes.

Lin Zhu finally could breathe a sigh of relief after the coach's departure. He turned his head to Ye Quan and was about to say something, but the taller guy started walking away without saying anything.

Lin Zhu frowned in confusion before catching up with him toward the bench.

"Hey, Ye Quan!" He tried to attract the attention of the older man. "Didn't you say that you would make a strong team with me? That means we have to strengthen our bond first, right? Why are you ignoring me?"

Ye Quan was busy packing his things into his black bag, and he didn't bother to look at the younger boy, who was standing beside him. "Let's be professional when we are in the court only. Outside the court, you can see me as a stranger," he finally answered.

Lin Zhu looked puzzled. "I don't think it will make a difference," he voiced his opinion. "We need to understand each other. If we don't know each other well outside the court, then we can't play together with a good understanding."

Ye Quan finally halted his activity and turned his body toward the shorter athlete. He was way taller, so he proudly looked down at Lin Zhu.

Lin Zhu felt his pride was being stepped on, but he could care less. He just wanted to play well and make a name for himself, and he didn't care about his grudge against Ye Quan, at least for now.

"Why do you want to get closer to me so badly?"

Ye Quan's question was enough to increase the size of Lin Zhu's eyes. "Who wants to get closer to you so badly?" He asked back instead of answering. "I just want to do the best for our team! Didn't you tell me to do my best earlier?"

Ye Quan smirked at the shorter man. "Just do your best in the court, and you don't need to try so hard when we are outside the court," he replied nonchalantly. "We both have skills, and it's our skills that need to be synchronized, not us."

Lin Zhu fell quiet upon hearing the older man's statement. He was thinking deeper, and he reckoned Ye Quan had a point.

He was too busy thinking about how to strengthen the bonds between them, but Ye Quan was right that it was just their skills that needed to be harmonized. He was too panicked that he couldn't think straight.

"Why are you quiet now? You don't want to get close to me anymore?" Ye Quan's voice resounded, and Lin Zhu glared at him angrily.

"Who wants to get close to an ugly toad like you? You are disgusting, Ye Quan!"