It had been a week since Lin Zhu joined the men's doubles team, and everything had gone smoothly in the past week.

Ye Quan did as he said last week. He ignored him like a plague when they were outside the court, but he would talk to him from time to time when they were training together in the court.

Lin Zhu still felt awkward, but he just followed what the older athlete was doing. He didn't care about that annoying bastard either, so the arrangement was pretty good for him.

With the racket in his right hand, Lin Zhu hit the shuttlecock with full force before his opponent could counter his attack. The shuttlecock returned to them as a lob, and Ye Quan easily delivered the shuttlecock as a lob as well. Unfortunately, the shuttlecock was not high and strong enough, and the opponent easily smashed it. The white shuttlecock crashed into the ground in their area helplessly.

"You should have been able to return the ball properly! What's wrong with you?" Lin Zhu scolded the taller man in a low voice.

They would still bicker from time to time, but they didn't let other people see their bickering. That was why they always spoke to each other in a low voice.

"Sorry," the taller man apologized casually. "I'm not in the mood today, so I can't concentrate."

Lin Zhu looked at Ye Quan in disbelief. "The tournament is approaching, but you dare to say that you are not in the mood? Do you think you have the right to say that you are not in the mood when you should be fighting with everything you have? Do you think your mood will not affect our performance?"

Ye Quan scowled upon hearing Lin Zhu's lecture. "Why are you being so sensitive?" He asked the shorter boy in an annoyed tone. "I have apologized to you, haven't I? Is my apology not enough?"

Lin Zhu was about to retaliate, but the coach was faster than his tongue at producing words.

"What's the matter, boys? Can we continue our training?"

Coach Cheng was very patient with them. Even though he knew that their relationship wasn't good, he never forced them to be friends with each other or anything like that. He just wanted them to work well together when they were in court.

But even just working together in court was a big deal for them.

In the past week, the coach could see the good cooperation between the two young athletes, but today he could sense the tension between them.

The coach just didn't know that the two athletes were still bickering behind his back in the past week. They didn't improve at all.

"I'm sorry, Coach!" Lin Zhu half-shouted at the coach, who was sitting on the umpire's chair.

The coach just gave them a thumbs-up before signaling them to continue the training.

Lin Zhu and Ye Quan played better after their previous secret fight, but they acted colder to each other compared to how they were before. When they were supposed to do a low-five, they did it without looking at each other. Moreover, there was no communication between them during the training period.

The training period finally ended with both boys didn't speak to each other at all. The coach just dismissed them, and they simply bowed their heads toward the coach before walking over to the bench.

Lin Zhu grabbed his mineral water and gulped the content hungrily. The training was so intense today. They had been training nonstop for 8 hours before the coach finally dismissed them.

They were focused on preparation for the tournament in Korea, and they had to work hard to be able to have a perfect debut.

Lin Zhu shifted his eyes to the side when he noticed Ye Quan's presence next to him. The taller boy took his mineral water before gulping down the transparent liquid.

Lin Zhu stopped drinking and silently peeped at Ye Quan. He could see how perfect Ye Quan's body was beneath the wet shirt. The white shirt was drenched in sweat, and it stuck to Ye Quan's toned body so perfectly.

What? So perfectly?

The short athlete realized that his thoughts were strange, so he immediately brushed the thoughts by shaking his head. Perhaps he was just tired from the training that he couldn't think straight.

The chocolate-haired athlete sighed before starting to pack his things. He could feel Ye Quan's gaze fixed on him in the last few seconds, but he didn't say anything. He just prayed that the annoying man wouldn't notice his strange look earlier. It was very embarrassing!

Fortunately, Ye Quan didn't say anything and left him without a word after he finished packing his things. Lin Zhu could heave a sigh of relief. It seemed that the older athlete did not notice his gaze earlier.

Choosing to disregard the insignificant things, Lin Zhu immediately grabbed his racket bag and slung it over his shoulder. He then walked away from the bench towards the sports hall exit.

Some athletes were still training in the hall, and he just nodded at them when he walked past them.

It wasn't long before the short-statured athlete finally reached the parking lot and quickly made his way to his old car. However, his ears immediately shot up when he heard a familiar voice.

"What? You want to break up with me?"

Lin Zhu could recognize the voice very well. That was the most annoying deep voice he had ever heard. That annoying voice belonged to Ye Quan.

He peeked sideways a little and found the older athlete standing near his own car with his right hand holding the phone to his ear, and his left hand on his hip.

Lin Zhu hid behind his old car and silently listened to the other athlete's voice.

"Fine! If you want to break up with me, then that's fine! Do you think I can't find a better girl than you? A lot of girls drool at the sight of my body and want me to fuck them. You can see for yourself. In a few days, I'll find another girl to fuck!"

Lin Zhu's body stiffened after hearing Ye Quan's vulgar talks. That was another reason why he hated Ye Quan.

That ugly toad was just a lowly playboy!