Lin Zhu felt the ground under the high stool shake when he heard the unexpected words escape his best friend's lips.
"You are kidding me, right?"
Lin Zhu had known Xu Liuming for so many years, and he knew his best friend's character so well. What his best friend just said was quite funny, so he believed that his best friend was just joking with him.
But, to his dismay, the other man didn't laugh after he finished asking the question. Instead of laughing and confirming that he was just fooling around, the man's face now had a serious expression.
"I'm not kidding."
Lin Zhu couldn't describe his feeling anymore.
"This isn't the first time you have dated a girl, Ah Ming. And normally, you never want to stop visiting this kind of place even if you are dating a girl. Why is this time different?"
Lin Zhu still refused to believe. Perhaps his best friend was just shaken by his feelings and made a rash decision like that. Was the sun rising from the north this morning?
"I'm serious about this girl, Ah Zhu. I don't need anyone other than this girl."
It felt like the athlete's tongue had been ripped out of his mouth, and he couldn't make a sound after hearing his friend's cheesy words.
"Who is this girl, Ah Ming? Why is she so special to you?" Lin Zhu finally asked the question when he suddenly became curious about the girl's identity. He still showed his apathetic face, but he decided to ask out of curiosity.
"It's Xiao Mimi."
Lin Zhu furrowed his eyebrows upon hearing his best friend's answer. It seemed that he had heard the name before, but when and where?
The young athlete tried to rack his brain to recall some old memories, and his hazel eyes widened when he finally found the answer.
"It's the pig!" He even shouted in his friend's face, not caring that they were in a public place. After all, the sound of music in that place could muffle his screams.
Xu Liuming wiped his face with his palm annoyingly. Did it just rain locally?
"Don't you dare to call my girlfriend like that!" Xu Liuming replied with a rather cold tone.
Lin Zhu blinked his eyes when he heard his best friend's reply. "So, it's indeed the pig?—I mean, the chubby, nerdy girl in our class when we were in high school?" He couldn't believe in his memory, so he questioned his friend again.
His little head could remember Xiao Mimi's name, but he wasn't sure if they were talking about the same Xiao Mimi now. Maybe it was another Xiao Mimi? There was no way his best friend was dating that pig, right?
"You are right. I'm now dating our classmate, Xiao Mimi."
Lin Zhu almost got a heart attack upon hearing Xu Liuming's confirmation. It was really that Xiao Mimi?
The young athlete still tried to regain his composure as he sipped his martini again. He didn't even know how to respond to his best friend's confession.
"I've been in love with her since our high school era. That's why I always scolded you back then when you kept bullying her."
Lin Zhu's mind was still blank, but he could hear Xu Liuming's statements just fine. He had been a dick since he was younger. He was well-known as one of the biggest bullies in school, and his main target was the chubby girl named Xiao Mimi.
Xiao Mimi was a fat girl in the class and was so quiet like a nerd, and she was an easy target for a big bully like Lin Zhu. Countless times he physically and verbally bullied the girl, but the girl didn't return the treatment at all.
He remembered there were times when Xu Liuming tried to stop his violent actions, but his best friend never succeeded. As one of the biggest bullies in the school, Lin Zhu was very stubborn and couldn't be stopped easily.
Now his head suddenly became dizzy when he recalled the memory. Maybe it was the effect of the martini too, but he didn't care. He just glanced at his best friend and found his best friend looking at him with a look full of hope.
"You want to quit your dark world just because of her? Are you sure it's not just a whim?" Lin Zhu tried to question his best friend carefully. He didn't want to lose his 'dark world buddy,' but he didn't have the right to force his friend if his friend insisted on stopping his bad behavior.
"I'm sure of my feelings," Xu Liuming replied without hesitation. "She finally said yes to me after years of chasing her, so I'm not going to let her down."
Lin Zhu felt like throwing up upon hearing his friend's disgusting words.
"You've been pursuing her for years, but you've never told me about that?"
Xu Liuming sighed heavily before answering, "I know you don't like her, and maybe you will bully her even more if you know that I like her."
Lin Zhu rolled his eyes at his friend's answer. "You think of me too lowly, buddy." He shook his head in disbelief.
Xu Liuming smiled sheepishly at him. "She's still afraid of you. That's why she rejected me so many times before she finally accepted my love."
Lin Zhu stared at his friend wistfully. 'Was I that bad in the past that my best friend's girlfriend ended up hating me?'
The athlete wondered in his heart, but then his smile turned even more bitter. Of course, he was that bad. He was the heartless bully, after all.
"I can apologize to your girlfriend if you want. Up until now, I'm not a good person, but I'm not that bad either," Lin Zhu said again. "I just can't believe that you can love her so deeply, Ah Ming. You are even willing to change yourself because of her."
The best friend looked up at him and replied, "When you finally find your true love, you will do the same, Ah Zhu."