Perhaps Lin Zhu was possessed by a spirit when he nodded his head in response to Ye Quan's question, and he finally let the older man carry his suitcase into the mansion.

He could sit quietly on the couch in the living room, while Tom couldn't stop barking in his new cage.

"I've been raising Tom for two years, and this is the first time I've put him in a cage. I don't think he likes the small place," said Ye Quan.

After seeing Lin Zhu nod his head earlier, Ye Quan immediately ordered a dog cage online, and within twenty minutes, a truck approached the man's residence before stopping in front of the mansion. Two people got out of the truck and pulled a large dog cage out of the truck, and it was Tom's new house.

"The cage isn't small. You can even keep five more dogs in the cage," Lin Zhu replied as he glanced at the pomeranian in the cage.