After meeting with Zhang Wei, he didn't do anything and just returned to the hotel he was currently staying at. He didn't tell his parents about his problem, and he had to sacrifice his money to live in a hotel.

Even his meeting with Zhang Wei couldn't guarantee what would happen to him in the future. The manager was surprised when he said that he would be retiring, and the man even stayed silent for a moment without giving the younger man any response.

Lin Zhu was nervous when he saw the manager's reaction, but then the older man let out a heavy sigh before he told him to reconsider his decision, and that he would also discuss it with the people in team management before they could come to a decision for him.

Even if Zhang Wei told him to reconsider his decision, Lin Zhu had no plans to change his mind, but he just nodded his head at the man in response to the man's words that he would first discuss the matter with the people in the team.