"Honey! What should I do? My coach suddenly came to me to ask if I'm still dating you or not! He said that Mrs. Lu told him that we are still dating, and that's why my coach suddenly came to me to ask for confirmation!"

Ye Quan suddenly had a headache when he heard how his girlfriend couldn't stop questioning him as she kept swinging his right hand like a child. He kept his left hand in his pocket so that the girl couldn't bother him with both of his hands, but he still looked irritated even though the girl was just acting coquettishly with his right hand.

What's more, the news he had just received from the younger girl had only added to the burden on his heart. Today, he couldn't even focus on his training with the other athletes in the training hall, but his girlfriend suddenly signaled to him that they should talk in private, and that was why the two of them separately went to a corner of the parking lot before they started talking privately there.