Shit! Lin Zhu managed to hold back the curse he wanted to utter, but he was still cursing in his head when he realized that Ye Quan's car had indeed stopped in front of a big house.

Was it true if he said that it was a house? It looked more like a castle in Lin Zhu's eyes, and he couldn't even close his mouth as he kept his eyes on the huge building in front of him.

It was already night, but the building looked especially bright from where Ye Quan stopped his car. He even foolishly wondered about how many watts the family used for the mansion so it could look so bright even though it was already night.

When Ye Quan suddenly apologized to him while saying that he could rest in the house if he was tired, Lin Zhu was completely speechless. The older man indeed apologized, but his face didn't look guilty at all, and that was why Lin Zhu knew that Ye Quan wouldn't want to change his mind even if he knelt to beg.