Did he read it wrong? Was the person calling him not who he thought he was?

Lin Zhu even needed to pull the phone from his ear before he once again read the name written on the screen and found he wasn't wrong. It was that person who called him, but why was that person suddenly speaking harshly to him?

"Are you all right, gege?" Putting the phone right next to his ear once again, Lin Zhu asked the person who called him, and he also told the young lady behind the ticket counter to wait because he needed to talk to the person on the phone first.

The young lady could only nod awkwardly at him, and Lin Zhu stepped away from the ticket counter to a quiet place where he could talk to the person peacefully.

He once again checked the caller ID on the phone screen, and it still showed the same name though he was still confused as to why the person had suddenly changed his character a bit when talking to him.