Lin Zhu suddenly fell silent as he stared at someone, and Ye Quan seemed to have noticed it as he followed the younger man's line of sight. He did find someone, and that person also looked their way even after he and Lin Zhu turned their heads.

"What's with that girl? Why does she keep looking over here, ZhuZhu?" Curious, Ye Quan asked the younger man.

Lin Zhu finally stopped looking at the person as he turned to Ye Quan once again. He actually knew why Yi Jianli kept looking in their direction. Indeed, not only was the girl staring at him, but she was also looking intently at Ye Quan.

The girl looked at the two of them with sharp eyes, and Lin Zhu knew the reason behind that look. However, he chose to pretend in front of Ye Quan while saying, "I don't know. We should just ignore her, Ye Quan. You must still remember when I said that we must not cross paths with her in the future, right?"