"Why did you hit a woman, Ye Quan?"

"A woman? Do you think someone like her could be called a woman? In my eyes, she's just a bitch!"

Lin Zhu looked helpless when he rebuked Ye Quan but the man didn't seem to care about what he just said.

He was shocked when Ye Quan could easily slap Zhao Jia on the cheek. He also wanted to do that, but he held back because he thought that it was not good to hit a woman. But then Ye Quan suddenly appeared, and before he could stop the older man, the man had already landed his hand on the girl's cheek.

At that time, the locker room was not even empty, and that was why Lin Zhu assumed that the situation would only get worse after this.

Thankfully, several athletes who were in the locker room seemed to understand the situation, and they gestured at Lin Zhu that they wouldn't say anything to outsiders as they quietly left the locker room.