After getting their first point, Lin Zhu and Ye Quan earned four points in a row before Lin Zhu finally made a mistake when he missed hitting the shuttlecock to go over the net. The current score was 1-5 with Lin Zhu and Ye Quan leading the way, but the score was still far from the final score, and that was why the two athletes from China kept their focus on the game.

Lin Zhu and Ye Quan had great focus during the first game, and that was why they almost made no mistakes apart from how Lin Zhu failed to bring the shuttlecock over the net earlier. The situation was different with opponents who often made mistakes in the first game. Sometimes it was Ahmad Zikri who failed to send a perfect smash to his opponent so that the shuttlecock hit the net instead, and sometimes Tan Choo Wai was not very good at defending so he often lost when Lin Zhu and Ye Quan attacked him with smashes.