
Dean woke up in an underground parking lot of a building. His head was spinning and his insides were churning. He was in so much discomfort that he wasn't able to think of anything else but getting rid of this pain and entered a fetal position. He felt like throwing up, his brain felt like it was being stabbed and his senses were massively disoriented.


Dean started to vomit for several minutes throwing up some blood and bits of chocolate that he was munching on before.

After some more time clutching his aching stomach, Dean was able to control his body to stand up and tried to look around his surroundings. His body still ached and his brain still felt like being stabbed, but compared to the start where it felt like being stabbed with hot metal rods, it now felt like being stabbed with small needles. It still felt intensely painful but much more bearable than before.

"I thought the world was supposed to be destroyed?"

"Sigh...If this is the afterlife and I have to live with this pain, I'd rather just kill myself again"

Looking around, Dean found himself in the parking area of the supermarket he had filled a cart full with chocolate before. He had no recollection of walking back here, and clearly remembered the black hole swallowing the planet. He was unsure of how he appeared here, but thinking back to how things suddenly appeared where they weren't before. He thought about the same thing happening to him.

"I should move inside the market. Hopefully there's some pills and vitamins that will alleviate this pain in my head"

Walking up the stairs towards the supermarket, Dean was able to hear faint screams coming from the entrance. He rushed there and saw people pushing and screaming at one another to get inside.

"Get Inside the building!!"

One of the men shouted at the group. Dean looked at the rushing peoples panicked faces and wondered what was causing them to freak out so much.

Behind the group Dean could see a bloody man chasing after the group. The bloody man's limbs were moving in erratic movements, Dean could see that one of his limbs was loosely connected to his torso by a sliver of remaining skin. While the bloody man continued chasing after the group his limb flew off flying in the direction of the group. Blood splattered in the air and managed to spray one of the people in the back of the group.

The group panicked even more which cause people to stumble on each other more often. A fat man in a business suit shoved an elderly woman down when he realised he was one of the last ones at the back of the group.


A middle aged lady screamed when she looked behind her searching for someone. She shouted when she saw the old lady on the ground and the fast approaching bloody man.

The bloody man pounced on the old lady and started to bite her flesh off with his teeth. The old lady screamed in agony and although it looked like she was trying to say something to her daughter she wasn't able to before dying.

Dean looked at the scene with furrowed brows, it wasn't because he felt sad for the old lady but because he could tell that no one else but him managed to see the fat man shove the old lady to the ground. He didn't see anyone elses face look at the fat man, not even the middle aged woman.

'What the hell is happening?'

Dean questioned the reality of the situation. He had only just woken up and was now witnessing an unbelievable event.

The group of people managed to enter the supermarket, when more bloody people appeared behind the first bloody man, they looked at the group of panic stricken people, growled loudly then started to rush towards them.

Dean felt shivers looking at the incoming danger, ran past the group of panicked people and began closing the doors of the store.

"Move the shelves and barricade the door!!"

The man who had shouted to everyone to get inside the store before quickly realised what Dean wanted to do. He rushed towards a shelf of goods and pushed it against the door with the help of Dean.

Before barricading the door, Dean had glanced outside and managed to catch the old woman bizarrely standing up. She now had multiple bloody bite marks around her neck and lifeless bleeding eyes. The group of bloody people rushed past her and started to ram against the door. She then soon joined in with them. Her old body full of vigor and unperturbed to the pain.


Dean muttered under his breath. He wasn't ignorant to what zombies were, zombies were a pop sensation to entertainment. Movies, games and anime depicted different types of zombies. He was a fan of playing FPS games and those often had a zombie mode, where the goal of the game was to survive. Some were fast and others were slow, but they all had in common that they could infect and turn living things into one of their kind.

Dean had watched the bloody man maul the old lady to death. She should never have been able to stand back up after being attacked.

Dean had to stop his thoughts when he noticed a man was staring at him.

"Thanks for closing the doors in such a hurry, if it weren't for you I don't know what would've happened"

"It's fine, it's not like I would want those zombies to be inside this store with me"

"Huh, zombies? Are you talking about those people outside who started attacking everyone?"

"Mmm, they're zombies. I saw the old lady who was attacked stand back up and start to ram herself against the door"

The man stared wide eyed at hearing that. His body was bigger than most normal people and knew he would have trouble standing back up with that many wounds, let alone an old woman. He didn't believe Dean at first, but the serious and cold face Dean had changed his mind. Anyways the handsome man infront of him saved their lives, there was no reason to lie about those people outside.

"First the world ends by a black hole and now zombies have appeared?"

"Anyways my name is Harris, once again thank you for saving us"


Harris smiled and put out his big hand for a handshake. Dean looked at the hand and decided to shake it, albeit reluctantly. He didn't really like making relationships, but they should know more information about what's happening than him. There was no demerit having a friendly relationship with them if he could learn what's happening outside, anyways they both were now trapped inside the store.

"Harris, we need to barricade this door properly and look for any other entrances that those zombies can enter through. Talk to your group of people and get them to go look around in groups of 3"

"Alright, I'm sure most people are still scared but they'll work hard if they learn those things outside could find a way in here"

After his short talk with Harris, Dean walked around the aisles of the store and searched for the pharmacy drugs. His headache grew more unbearable the longer he was around the group of people. The needles were slowly growing in size and now felt like chopsticks digging inside his brain. He needed some drugs to ease the pain, he had to put up with it while talking to Harris to make this place safe but now his only thoughts were dealing with this headache.

Dean found some pills for migraines and took 2 of them. He had a lot of information he had to digest and think of a plan for his survival. He couldn't tolerate the pain and think properly at the same time. He decided to sit down on the floor and became engrossed in his thoughts.