The ancient bracelet

Nancy and her parents arrive home she was in a hast to leave her room.

"Not so fast Nancy," her mother called waiting for her to turn around. Nancy swiftly turns around to face her angry mother.

"You are forbidden to ever go in the woods again," she yelled expecting a reaction from her but Nancy didn't give any, it was pointless to argue with her she very well knows where an argument will land her.

"Okay, mom, can I go now?" Cindy didn't know what else to say she quietly watch Nancy leave to her bedroom.

Cindy was angrier at Travis for not saying anything. "I'm starting to regret making her go to school," she said angrily. "If she is going to start rebelling then it best she changes school or be homeschooled," she growls.

"Stop it, Cindy."

"Don't tell me to stop, I can't remain calm like you, knowing our daughter is in danger," she screams as she leaves the hall.

Travis went to Nancy's room to check on her. She was lying in bed. "Dad, am I going to stop schooling? Dad, I can't, not now that I am starting to have a life and real friends that care about me," Nancy cried while trying to sit on her bed.

"That's okay princess, just relax and have some rest. I will talk to your mother, but tell me the truth, are you in any kind of pain or discomfort?" Travis asked holding his daughter's hands in his hand.

"No, dad," Travis was relieved. But he knew her time was short he have to find the cure fast in order to save Nancy.

He kissed her forehead and left her alone to rest. Nancy was in pain she couldn't wait for him to leave her bedroom.

She jumped on her feet when she remembered Wolfe was in the house when she left in the morning. She goes out to look for Wolfe.

"Wolfe, Wolfe where are you?" She called looking around everywhere in the yard for Wolfe.

She finally found him coming from the woods. Nancy spends time playing with him. She talks to him like a person who can actually hear and understand her pain.

She got a call from Roland who was at her house.

"Goodbye Wolfe, my parents are in the house so you can't come into the main house. You can always rest here. I know you will like to go back to your pack," she said as she runs to the house.

"What brings you here?" Nancy asked looking surprised, Roland was in her house that late meant something happened and she couldn't stay calm.

"Um, can't I visit my friend?" He asked with a goofy smile.

"I know you, Roland, what brings you here?" She asked folding her arms and leaning on one leg.

"I saw you leave with Baby,"

"Cut to the chase, Roland," Nancy was getting impatient.

"And your parents told me you fainted," he whispered as his eyes move around the cold room.

"You want to know if I'm okay and if Baby has something to do with it, as you can see I'm fine. He will never hurt me purposefully." Nancy sighed as she fall back on her bed.

"Give me your hand?" He ordered as he locks the bracelet on her wrist.

"What is this?" Nancy asked staring at the bracelet on her wrist.

"It's my mom's keep it well, I will take it back shortly," he whispered as he runs off before Nancy could ask more questions. She looked like she had a lot of them.

Nancy smile as she admires the ancient bracelet. She knows Roland's mother died when he was just a child and wonders if he missed his mother.

Nancy spends the night thinking about Baby. She picks up her cell phone and dials his number. She was anxious, not knowing what to say. Her heart skipped a beat when he answered the phone.

"Hey it's me, Nancy," she whispered clenching her bracelet as she adjust herself on the bed.

"I know little cub, having trouble sleeping?" he replied with a soft smile that was telepathically conveyed to Nancy as she smiled back.

"Yes," Nancy replied with a sad smile this time.

"I wish I could go for a walk, but my parents are keeping a close watch on me right now," she whimpered.

"Look out your window," said Baby.

"What? Why?" Nancy asked as she got up from bed to peep through the window.

She smiles and waves to him.

"Wait I'm coming down," she whispered as she climbs out through the window.

"Be careful," Baby said as he clutched Nancy, who was about to fall.

He becomes dizzy when his claws become visible. He couldn't afford to stand there any longer.

"Got to go," he said and ran fast into the woods.

"Baby wait!" Nancy called. She couldn't tell what she did wrong.

"What just happened?"