The wake

"Nancy it's time for us to go downstairs for your dad's wake, everyone is here," my mum whispered as she pushes the door open. She was in mourning clothes, she looks much calmer now and relaxed, or maybe she took some sedatives. I was trying to find any sign of emotion on her face but there was none.

"Yes, mum, I'll be down in a minute," I said as pull myself out of my bed and saunter behind her. I still couldn't bear to say goodbye to my dad.

The house was filled with everyone from the town.

My mum and I walks to dad's coffin which was mounted outside the house and people sitting under canopies. I couldn't see him one last time because he was completely burned so the casket was closed.

My mum insisted he was buried right away, we had to cut the wake short. I hope she's not planning to do what I'm thinking she would do that is to seek revenge for dad's death.